English Collection


beard someone/something in one's dens

2011年06月02日 | 英語学習
昨日のジョッギングの途中でアジサイが咲いているのを見かけました。 但し、他の場所ではまだ蕾が大きくなっているだけで咲くのはまだ数日から一週間は先のようです。 今朝家の月下美人(Queen of the Night)の様子を見ると、一つの蕾が大きくなっていて今晩にも花が開きそうです。
さて、"Fifteen" の主人公達は大きな町の郊外に住んでいるので、米国では当たり前ですが、車がないと町には行けないようです。運転免許を持っているStanから町のレストランに行く誘いをJaneとJulieは受けたのですが二人とも親にその話を中々切り出せない状況です。JaneとJulieが電話で話しているところです。
'Jane, you've simply got to get your folks to say you can go,' Julie begged. 'Then I can use that for an argument.'
'I can't put it off any longer,' Jane admitted. 'Stan doesn't even know they haven't given me permission. He just assumed they would let me go. I guess I'll have to beard them in their dens at dinner tonight.'
"beard" なる動詞は初めて見ます。また、どうやら "beard them in their dens" は慣用句の気配がぷんぷんです。 "beard" を辞書で見ます。
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: to face, meet or deal with an unpleasant or frightening person in a brave or determined way: With a nervous swallow he bearded the formidable-looking librarian behind the desk.
"den" の意味は知っているので、この "beard" の意味で "beard them in their dens" の意味も分かりましたが、この言い回しは慣用句の様なのでそれも確認します。
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: beard somebody in their den also beard the lion in their den: to visit an important person in the place where they work, in order to tell or ask them something unpleasant A group of journalists bearded the director in his den to ask how he was going to deal with the crisis. Who's going to beard the lion in her den and explain what's gone wrong?
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: beard the lion in his den and beard someone in his den: Prov. to confront someone on his or her own territory. I spent a week trying to reach Mr. Toynbee by phone, but his secretary always told me he was too busy to talk to me. Today I walked straight into his office and bearded the lion in his den. If the landlord doesn't contact us soon, we'll have to beard him in his den.
なるほど、多分 "beard the lion in his den" が元々あったのでライオンが人になっても "den" が使われている様ですね。 もちろん "den" は人の "a room in a house where someone goes to relax and be alone" などの意味でも使われますが。
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