English Collection


poor sport

2011年06月07日 | 英語学習
"sport" はこれまでに幾度か取り上げた単語です。 
しかし、"Fifteen" に出てきた次ぎの "sport" はこれまでに取り上げた "sport" とは一寸意味が違う様です。
'You didn't have a good time at dinner, did you?' he asked.
Hot with embarrasment, Jane looked down at the sidewalk. She did not want to answer.
'Did you?' Stan persisted.
Jane looked up at him and shook her head. She had to be honest with Stan. 'It was just that it was all so strange,' she said. 'I never ate in a real Chinese restaurant before. It wasn't -- quite what I expected.'
'I'm sorry,' Stan said contritely. 'I should have thought. I remember I felt the same way the first time I went there.'
Surprised and touched by his apology, Jane smiled at Stan. He didn't think she was a poor sport. He blamed himself for spoiling her evening, when all the time she had been worryin because she had spoiled his.
この文に出てきた "sport" の意味に合う辞書の説明を探します。
・Macmillan Dictionary:
 1. informal someone who always behaves in a reasonable way and is always willing to help: Andy was a real sport and agreed to play for the other team.; a good sport: Thanks, Shelly ? you’re always such a good sport.
2. American and Australian informal used for talking in a friendly way to a boy or man: Hey sport, how are you?
・Vocabulary.com: a person known for the way she (or he) behaves when teased or defeated or subjected to trying circumstances: “a good sport”, “a poor sport
・Webster's New World College Dictionary: a person judged according to his ability to take loss, defeat, teasing, etc.: a good (or poor) sport
分かりました "poor sport" は "good sport" の正反対の意味ですね。当たり前と言えばその通りですが、上の辞書の説明の様に "sport" だけでも "good sport" の意味を持つ場合と単に親しみを込めて "boy or man:" を指すことがあり、 "poor sport" だと "good sport" の逆の意味になるのですね。

過去に取り上げた "sport" へのリンク/URLを参考に示します。
7/13/2010 : The front of the car sported a German flag.
11/2/2009:A pleasant companion
9/21/2009: My husband worked with identical twins, and the only way to tell them apart was by the goatee one of them sported.
3/3/2009: to display or wear usually ostentatiously
11/10/2008: They all have runny noses. I'm third from the top of eleven kids. I'm a sport.
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