English Collection



2013年08月19日 | 英語学習
The Rose Tatooを読んでいます。戯曲なので状況の説明がやたらに出てきます。その中に出てきた単語 "apprehensively" の意味が分かりそうで分かりません。まだ6割ほど読んだところですが、この単語は次ぎの二個所に出て来ました。
[Despairing of the backdoor, Rosa rushes around to the front. A few moments later she pushes open the shutters of the window in the wall and climbs half in. Jack crosses apprehensively to Serafina before the Madonna.]
[But now she is suddenly frightened; the vehemence and boldness have run out. She grasps a little and backs away from the shrine, her eyes rolling apprehensively this way and that....]
"apprehend" の動詞は知っていますが、私の'理解'している "apprehend" の意味から上記の "apprehensively" の意味はちょっと推定できないので辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: with fear; nervously ⇒ I waited apprehensively for him to comment.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: feeling worried about something that you are going to do or that is going to happen: I'm a bit apprehensive about tomorrow's meeting.: I've invited a lot of people to the party, but I'm a bit apprehensive that no one will come.
なるほど、すると動詞の "apprehend" に「心配する」、「恐れる」と言う私の知らない意味があるのだなと思い "apprehend" をVocabulary.comで見ると次ぎの説明がありました。
The verb apprehend has remained much the same since the original Latin, both in form and meaning. It comes from apprehendere "to grasp or seize." The word came to refer to learning -- "grasping or seizing with the mind" -- but then came to mean "seize in the name of the law" or "arrest" around the 1540s, a meaning that remains to this day. The word can also be used to suggest an anxious feeling about something about to happen.
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