English Collection


uncanny valley

2014年08月06日 | 英語学習

前にもReader's DigestにAre you normal? or Nuts?の特集があった記憶がありますが、次の引用は6月号からのその一部です。
Why are you so scared? Because puppets are creepy. There's even a name for it: pupaphobia.
The problem with puppets - and dolls and ventriloquist dummies - is that they occupy what's called the uncanny valley - between alive and not alive.
特に人形嫌いではありませんが、生きている人間の様で、でも本物ではないと分かる人形、例えばマダムタッソーの蝋人形が気味の悪い感じがするのは分かる気がします。その感じを "uncanny valley" と言うのは興味があります。辞書に説明があるでしょうか?
・Oxford English Dictionary: Used in reference to the phenomenon whereby a computer-generated figure or humanoid robot bearing a near-identical resemblance to a human being arouses a sense of unease or revulsion in the person viewing it: ‘anyone attempting to build a believable human facsimile also has to beware of the uncanny valley
何故 "uncanny valley" と言うのかも次の様に出ていました。
1970s: from a translation of Japanese Bukimi no Tani Gensho, coined by the roboticist Masahiro Moti, who created a graph that plotted the emotional response of a human being to a robot against the increase in the perceived realism of a robot; the graph showed a significant dip at the point where the robot's resemblance to a human is perceived to be almost exact.

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