English Collection



2014年10月01日 | 英語の本を読む

今日はJapan Times Online September 12の記事に出てきた単語を覚えたい。
HOLLYWOOD -- Is Chris Pratt on his way to becoming Hollywood’s next big action hero? The guy whose face you may recognize from various romcoms, but more likely know as Andy Dwyer from the U.S. sitcom “Parks and Recreation,” has been raking in the praise for his latest film, “Guardians of the Galaxy.”
"romcoms" はどうも映画の種類を示している様ですが、映画は何年かに一本見る程度なので、どんなものか見当がつきません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (In movies or television) a romantic comedy: ‘Of course all genres have their formulas, and just like any formula film a romcom can be a joy when the journey is well done.’
・Collins Dictionary: (informal) a film or television comedy based around the romantic relationships of the characters: Then she's considering a starring role in romcom The Seven Year Switch.
romantic comedyの略語ですね。これなら簡単に覚えられそう。

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