English Collection


joss stick

2014年10月27日 | 英語の本を読む

The Quiet Americanを読んでいます。
'I can tell you that. She'll have decided that I'm spending the night at Tanyin--it won't be the first time. She'll be lying on the bed with a joss stick burning to keep away the mosquitoes and she'll be looking at the pictures in an old Paris-Match. Like the French she has a passion for the Royal Family.'
"joss stick" は蚊よけのために燃やしているとあるので、ここでは蚊取り線香の意味であることは確かですが、米国や欧州で蚊取り線香が使われているのを見た事はないので "joss stick" もしくは "joss" が英語の辞書でどの様な説明があるのか確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A thin stick consisting of a substance that burns slowly and with a fragrant smell, used as incense.: Some people spent more than 400,000 yuan to gain the right to plant the first joss stick in various temples.
・Vocabulary.com: a slender stick of incense burned before a joss by the Chinese
日本で言うと仏壇に供える線香ですね。 "joss" は仏像のことでしょうか?
・Collins Dictionary: a Chinese deity worshipped in the form of an idol: `So,' she said, getting up to light a joss stick on the mantlepiece.
Word Origin: C18: from pidgin English, from Portuguese deos god, from Latin deus
なるほど、確かに "joss" は日本語になったゼウスと発音が似ていますね。同じ語源でしたか。

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