English Collection


argyle sweater

2015年07月03日 | 英語の本を読む

Michael Sandelの "What Money Can't Buy" が取り上げているお金で買えないものは、お金で買えないものと言うより、お金で買うのは良い事ではない、問題はありませんか、と言うものを取り上げています。
Joel Waldfogel, an economist at the University of Pennsylvania, has taken up the economic inefficiency of gift giving as a personal cause. By "inefficiency," he means the gap between the value to you (maybe very little) of the $120 argyle sweater your aunt gave you for your birthday, and the value of what you would have bought (an iPod, say) had she given you the cash.
ギフトとかプレゼントを買う必要がある時に、相手の好みとかが分からないので、お金とか、それが問題なら商品券をギフトにした方が簡単で無駄になることはないと私も考える方なのですが、このブログで取り上げるのは "argyle sweater" の意味です。辞書で "argyle" を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A pattern composed of diamonds of various colors on a plain background, used in knitted garments such as sweaters and socks.
・Vocabulary.com: Argyle is a specific design or pattern of different colored diamond shapes. If your grandmother visits Scotland, she might bring you back an argyle sweater. If you're preppy, you might just wear it. It's not unusual for knitters to work an argyle pattern into a sweater or a scarf, and it's particularly common for Scottish knitters. Kilts frequently come in various argyle designs, and Scottish Highlanders have traditionally worn argyle socks since the 17th century. The word itself was inspired by the tartan belonging to the Campbell clan, from Argyll in the west of Scotland.
菱形の模様の事ですか。それなら誰でも "argyle sweater" を着たことがありでしょうね。

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