English Collection



2015年07月22日 | 英語の本を読む
今読んでいる "OUT ON A LIMB" はアカデミー主演女優賞を取ったことのある女優(Shirley MacLaine)が49歳の時に出版した本ですが、英国の政治家との不倫と死後の世界あるいは前世について書いています。
Praying to a deity called God was investing faith in an invisible reality: when a baseball player made the sign of the cross before stepping up to the plate, he was invoking a higher invisible reality; when a basketball player crossed himself before attempting a tie-breaking foul shot, no one in the bleachers laughed at him; there were supposed to be no atheists in foxholes, and the moving spectacle of loved ones praying to an invisible God in a hospital emergency room was all too familiar.
上の引用個所に出てきた "foxholes" はここではキツネの穴ではないですね。辞書を見ます。
・ Oxford English Dictionary:
A hole in the ground used by troops as a shelter against enemy fire or as a firing point.
A place of refuge or concealment.
・Collins Dictionary: (military) a small pit dug during an action to provide individual shelter against hostile fire: Gareth checked the luminous face of his watch and eased himself above the rim of their foxhole.
戦争の話ではないので "foxholes" は比喩として使っているのでしょう。
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