English Collection


bail bondsman

2015年07月10日 | 英語の本を読む

Michael Sandelの "What Money Can't Buy" から取り上げる最後の単語です。
In 2011, the Erie County Holding Center in Buffalo, New York, began running ads on a high-definition television screen that defendants see moments after their arrest. What advertisers would want to reach this audience? Bail bondsmen and defense lawyers.
"Bail bondsmen" の "bail" はバブル崩壊後に銀行を公的資金で "bail out" する話を何度も聞いたので知っていますが、"bondsmen" の単語は知りません。しかし、 "bail" との組み合わせからすると、保釈金を出すあるいは保証する人を指している様ですが、どうでしょう? 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A person who stands surety for a bond: Due diligence on the part of the bondsman is required.
・Merriam-Webster: a person who agrees to make a payment if a prisoner who is released from prison does not return : a person who agrees to pay a bond
"Due diligence" は経済用語で、よく目にする表現ですね。おさらいしておきます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A comprehensive appraisal of a business undertaken by a prospective buyer, especially to establish its assets and liabilities and evaluate its commercial potential.: The research analyst could be performing internal due diligence.

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