English Collection



2015年11月30日 | 英語の本を読む

Reader's Digest 10月号の記事Fast Facts About Goannasからの抜粋です。
Australian monitor lizards, of which there are 25 species, were given the name goanna by the early European settlers - perhaps from South American iguanas.
The diet includes snakes, insects, birds, small mamals and carrion.
このオオトカゲ(monitor lizards = goanna) の名称がiguanasから来ていると言うのも興味深い話ですが、食料にしていると言う "carrion" は聞き/読み覚えのある単語です。記録を調べるとこのブログでは "carrion crow" を8年前 12/9/2007 にとりあげましたが、 "carrion" の意味自体は調べなかったので今辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: The decaying flesh of dead animals.: Biologists, however, have reported some bees taking advantage of other resources, such as animal droppings and carrion.
・Wiktionary: Dead flesh; carcasses.: Vultures feed on carrion.
The noun carrion refers to the dead and rotting flesh of an animal. Ever seen a dead opossum or cat in the road? You can call that road kill carrion.
The word carrion comes from a Latin word caro, which means "meat," but carrion is usually considered unfit for human consumption. Birds of prey and other opportunistic animals will often have carrion as part of their diet, however. Sometimes the word carrion is used a little more metaphorically: "The soldiers were unable to retrieve the bodies of their fallen brothers, so they were left on the field of battle like so much carrion."

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