三島由紀夫のThe Temple of the Golden Pavilionから取り上げる最後の単語です。
Her humming blended with the buzzing of a fly that was flying round her head. After a while the fly happend to settle on one of her breasts.
"Oh, it's tickling!" she said but made no effort to chase it away.
Inasmuch as flies love putrefaction, had Mariko begun to putrefy? Did the girl's total absence of belief connote putrefaction? Was it because she inhabited on absolute world of her own that fly had visited her?
蠅が好きな "putrefaction"、そしてMarikoが、その動詞の "putrefy" を始める? 想像力の弱い私には分かりません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: The process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic matter.
・Vocabulary.com: If you suspect that something in your yard is in a state of putrefaction, there's probably something stinky and rotten out there.
The relatives of this word in English all resemble it and fit neatly into one meaning category, "rotten." The mother of them all is putrid, from Latin putris, "rotten." This leads to putrefy, which means "make rotten," and finally putrefaction, the process of rotting or a state of being rotten. The ending is -faction rather than -fication on the pattern of many nouns that have Latin facere in their pasts: benefaction, malefaction, and liquefaction -- to name a few.
ところで、話を脱線します。最初の文に出てきた "fly" で先週の金曜日に観たミュージカルのChicagoを思い出しました。劇中でほんの一瞬ですが、ズボンのチャックが開いている事を教えるのに "fly" が使われたのを聞き逃しませんでした。
"fly": An opening at the crotch of a pair of pants, closed with a zipper or buttons and typically covered with a flap.