今日取り上げる単語はReader's Digest 11月号の記事 An Artist' Portraitに次の様に出て来ました。
My two passions eventually merged in the mid-1970s when I travelled regularly to Asia to work for World Vison as a photo-journalist. My beats were Bangladesh, India, Sri Lnka, Thailand, Indonesia and the Phillippines.
この "beats" の意味は文脈から推測できますが、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A person’s area of interest: his beat is construction, property, and hotels
・Wiktionary: An area of a person's responsibility, especially in journalism, the primary focus of a reporter's stories (such as police/courts, education, city government, business etc.).
My two passions eventually merged in the mid-1970s when I travelled regularly to Asia to work for World Vison as a photo-journalist. My beats were Bangladesh, India, Sri Lnka, Thailand, Indonesia and the Phillippines.
この "beats" の意味は文脈から推測できますが、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A person’s area of interest: his beat is construction, property, and hotels
・Wiktionary: An area of a person's responsibility, especially in journalism, the primary focus of a reporter's stories (such as police/courts, education, city government, business etc.).