English Collection



2017年01月23日 | 英語の本を読む

Kazuo Ishiguroの "When We Were Orphants" からの引用です。
It was after all only two or three weeks after my father's disappearance and any number of strangers had been coming and going: policemen, men from British counsulate, men from Byatt's, ladies who on entering the house and catching sight of my mother would hold out their arms with a cry of anguish. To those latter, I recall, my mother always responded with a self-possessed smile, and walking up to the lady, would pointedly avoid the embrace, saying instead in her most assured tones something like: 'Agnes, how delightful.
"pointedly" の意味を辞書で見ます。 ・Cambridge English Dictionary: in a very obvious way, usually to express criticism or disapproval: He pointedly ignored her after the show.
"pointedly" は副詞なので、形容詞の "pointed" の項のみ記載している辞書が大半です。
・Collins Dictionary: Pointed comments or behaviour express criticism in a clear and direct way.: They were pointedly absent from the news conference. ⇒ 'This is my house,' Blair said rather pointedly.

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