The more time we've spent with our partner the more confident we feel in our ability to assess his or her point of view without giving it much thought (perspective-taking error #1 in action). However, since familiarity with a person rarely bestows the ability to read the person's mind, such confidence is likely to land us in the doghouse more often than not.
犬は英語で余り良い意味に使われないことが結構あるので上の "in the doghouse" も人が犬小屋に入れられた事を連想する様な悪い意味ではないかと想像します。辞書で意味を確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: informal (be) in mild or temporary disfavor.: He remembered a lot of times when his dad would stay at the station because he was in the doghouse with his mom.
・Wiktionary: (idiomatic) In a situation of being the object of someone's anger or disapproval.: Usage notes:
Frequently used to describe a situation in which one is experiencing the anger of a spouse or romantic partner.
One can be "in someone's doghouse"; get or be put or "into the (or someone's) doghouse"; or get "out of the (or someone's) doghouse". To be "in the doghouse with X" usually means that X is angry at you, not that someone else is angry at you and X.