English Collection



2017年03月22日 | 英語の本を読む

Before I Say Good-Byeを読んでいます。Nellが祖父のMacに結婚相手のAdamの話をした時の事です。
"Who the hell is this guy? Nell. You hardly know him. Okay, so he’s an architect from North Dakota who came to New York with a lousy starter job. What else do you know about him?” Mac--being Mac--had him checked out. “That college he attended is a cockamamie factory, Nell. Trust me, this guy is no Stanford White. And the places he’s worked at are mom-and-pop operations, small-time builders of shopping centers, senior-citizen housing. That kind of stuff.”
"cockamamie factory" は何でしょう? "cockamamie" を辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Ridiculous; implausible.: ‘a cockamamie theory’ ・Collins Dictionary: If you describe something as cockamamie, you mean that it is ridiculous or silly. [US , informal]: ...some cockamamie story about being late.
やはりこの "cockamamie" の語源も気になります。次の説明はMerriam-Webster's Online Dictionaryからの抜粋です。
Supposedly, cockamamy is an altered form of the term decalcomania, which denotes a process of transferring pictures and designs from specially prepared paper to surfaces such as glass or porcelain. The word decalcomania comes from the combination of French décalquer, meaning "to copy by tracing," and -manie, meaning "mania." In the 1940s, painted strips of paper with images capable of being transferred to the skin were called "decals" or "cockamanies." They were naturally regarded by many as silly novelties. Hence, in time, the variant cockamamie came to be used as an adjective meaning "ridiculous."

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