さて、The Alchemist by Paulo Coelhoを読んでいます。
Suddenly he heard a thundering sound, and he was thrown to the ground by a wind such as he had never known. The area was swirling in dust so intense that it hid the moon from view. Before him was an enormous white horse, rearing over him with a frightening scream.
"rearing" の意味は直ぐには分からなかったのですが、読み飛ばしてしまいました。しかし、そのちょっと後に、又 "rear" が出てきたので意味を思い出しました。
The same hand that had brandished the sword now held a whip. The horse reared again, raising a cloud of dust.
1/10/2013に "ramp" を取り上げましたが、 "rear" にも同じ意味がありますね。
さて、The Alchemist by Paulo Coelhoを読んでいます。
Suddenly he heard a thundering sound, and he was thrown to the ground by a wind such as he had never known. The area was swirling in dust so intense that it hid the moon from view. Before him was an enormous white horse, rearing over him with a frightening scream.
"rearing" の意味は直ぐには分からなかったのですが、読み飛ばしてしまいました。しかし、そのちょっと後に、又 "rear" が出てきたので意味を思い出しました。
The same hand that had brandished the sword now held a whip. The horse reared again, raising a cloud of dust.
1/10/2013に "ramp" を取り上げましたが、 "rear" にも同じ意味がありますね。