English Collection


morning joe

2018年03月22日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 2月号の記事 '10 Ways to Make Your Vitamins Work Better' からの引用です。
Caffeine in your morning joe may interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals and may also leach calcium from your bones.
"morning joe" は何でしょう? とりあえず先を読みます。
Minimize these risks by consuming no more than three cups a day, getting enough calcium plus vitamin D, and waiting about 15 minutes after your coffee to take your vitamins.
・Oxford English Dictionary: Coffee: Athletes can now find synergy in their morning cup of joe.
・Collins Dictionary: coffee: a cup of joe
Alternatively, perhaps a use of joe ‎(“fellow, guy”‎), signifying that coffee was the drink of the common man.
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