The bags were clear plastic bin liners. We closed them as best we could, but then we were thinking about where to take the stuff, so we probably forgot to tie them.
"plastic bin liners" はいわゆる "plastic bags" と同じだと思います。私は "bin" で大型のゴミ箱を連想してしまいます。"bin liner" を辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: British A plastic bag used for lining a rubbish bin.: The pair of pistols were sealed inside a plastic lunchbox with a green lid, bundled up in plastic bags and a bin liner.
・Collins Dictionary: (British) A bin liner is a plastic bag that you put inside a waste bin or dustbin.: We put the rubbish in bin liners and the council collect it.
なるほど、 "plastic bags" と "bin liner" の関係が分かりました。
それにしても翻訳者のBirnbaum氏は米国生まれなのにBritish Englishが好きなようです。
The bags were clear plastic bin liners. We closed them as best we could, but then we were thinking about where to take the stuff, so we probably forgot to tie them.
"plastic bin liners" はいわゆる "plastic bags" と同じだと思います。私は "bin" で大型のゴミ箱を連想してしまいます。"bin liner" を辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: British A plastic bag used for lining a rubbish bin.: The pair of pistols were sealed inside a plastic lunchbox with a green lid, bundled up in plastic bags and a bin liner.
・Collins Dictionary: (British) A bin liner is a plastic bag that you put inside a waste bin or dustbin.: We put the rubbish in bin liners and the council collect it.
なるほど、 "plastic bags" と "bin liner" の関係が分かりました。
それにしても翻訳者のBirnbaum氏は米国生まれなのにBritish Englishが好きなようです。