English Collection



2018年08月15日 | 英単語
I had no compunction about making my doubts known to people. One thing I found strange was that a lot of Aum followers died in car accidents. I asked a woman I knew well -- Ms Takahashi -- about it. "Don't you think it's unusual that this many believers have died?" I asked her. "No, it's all right," she replied, "because four billion years in the future the Master will return as the Maitreya Buddha as will raise up the souls of those died. "What rubbish!" I thought.
"compunction" も既に2度()も取り上げていますが忘れているので復習です。
・Oxford English Dictionary: [usually with negative] A feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad.: spend the money without compunction
・Collins Dictionary: If you say that someone has no compunction about doing something, you mean that they do it without feeling ashamed or guilty.: He has no compunction about relating how he killed his father.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a slight guilty feeling about something you have done or might do: I wouldn't have any compunction about telling him to leave.
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