English Collection



2018年08月01日 | 英単語
Haruki MurakamiのUndergroundを読み始めました。オーム真理教が引き起こした地下鉄サリン事件をモデルにした小説と思っていましたが、村上春樹が事件後被害者にインタビューしたドキュメンタリーの様です。
I left the Chiyoda Line platform and headed for the Hibiya Line as usual. When I reached the platform at the bottom of the stairs I heard the emergency alarm go off: Bee-ee-eep! I knew immediately from my time working for Japan Railway there'd been an accident. That's when an announcement came over the station tannoy.
Around this time they announced over the station tannoys that the Hibiya Line had been shut down.

"station tannoy" は文脈から "station PA system/public-address system" の意味と同じだと思いますが、辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: British; trademark: A type of public address system.: Even festive songs are being played over the tannoy.
・Collins Dictionary: A Tannoy is a system of loudspeakers used to make public announcements, for example at a fair or at a sports stadium. [British, trademark]
Tannoyはイギリス製なので翻訳者のAlfred Birnbaum氏は英国人かと思いましたが、米国生まれで五歳の時からの日本育ち、早稲田大学卒とありました。
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