George OrwellのHomage to Cataloniaを読んでいます。
It struck me that the people in this part of Spain must be genuinely without religious feeling--religious feeling, I mean, in the orthodox sense. It is curious that all the time I was in Spain I never once saw a person cross himself; yet you would think such a movement would become instinctive, revolution or no revolution. Obviously the Spanish Church will come back (as the saying goes, night and the Jesuits always return), but there is no doubt that at the outbreak of the revolution it collapsed and was smashed up to an extent that would be unthinkable even for the moribund C. of E. in like circumstances.
"cross himself" はキリスト教の信者が胸に手を当てて十字を切る動作の事だと思いますが、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: make the sign of the cross in front of one's chest as a sign of Christian reverence or to invoke divine protection.: I crossed myself, I greeted the priest, I kissed his hand, and my father understood.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to make the sign of the cross on one's head and chest: I crossed myself as I entered the church.
上の引用文最後に出てくる "moribund C. of E." の略語が分かりませんので、これも辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Church of England
It struck me that the people in this part of Spain must be genuinely without religious feeling--religious feeling, I mean, in the orthodox sense. It is curious that all the time I was in Spain I never once saw a person cross himself; yet you would think such a movement would become instinctive, revolution or no revolution. Obviously the Spanish Church will come back (as the saying goes, night and the Jesuits always return), but there is no doubt that at the outbreak of the revolution it collapsed and was smashed up to an extent that would be unthinkable even for the moribund C. of E. in like circumstances.
"cross himself" はキリスト教の信者が胸に手を当てて十字を切る動作の事だと思いますが、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: make the sign of the cross in front of one's chest as a sign of Christian reverence or to invoke divine protection.: I crossed myself, I greeted the priest, I kissed his hand, and my father understood.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to make the sign of the cross on one's head and chest: I crossed myself as I entered the church.
上の引用文最後に出てくる "moribund C. of E." の略語が分かりませんので、これも辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Church of England