English Collection


past praying for

2018年09月04日 | 英単語
George OrwellのHomage to Cataloniaを読んでいます。
I got a shock of dismay when I saw the thing they gave me. It was a German Mauser dated 1896--more than forty years old! It was rusty, the bolt was stiff, the wooden barrel-guard was split; one glance down the muzzle showed that it was corroded and past praying for. Most of the rifles were equally bad, some of them even worse, and no attempt was made to give the best weapons to the men who knew how to use them.
銃の話に何で急に祈りが出てくるのかさっぱり分かりません。"past praying for" の意味を調べます。

・The Free Dictionary Language Forums: be past praying for = there is not a glimpse of hope, it is too late for praying
・Dictionarist: without hope; cannot be corrected: Nay, that's past praying for.
・British English A to Zed: A Definitive Guide to the Queen's English: Beyond hope: up the creek without a paddle
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