English Collection



2018年12月19日 | 英単語
図書館から借りる本の間に読んでいるKarel CapekのThe Gardner's Yearからの引用です。
Well, this black thing here, which is sticking out of the snow s a withered viscaria; this dry stalk is a blue aquilegia; that tuft of shrivelled leaves is astilbe; and look, that sweep there is Aster ericoides; and here, where there is nothing at all, there is an orange trollius; and this heap of snow here is dianthus, of course it is dianthus. And that stem is perhaps the red yarrow.
沢山植物の名前が出てきますが一つだけ和名をしっている植物があったのでそれは覚えたいと思います。それは "aquilegia" です。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A plant of the buttercup family, bearing showy flowers with backward-pointing spurs. Native to temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, it is widely grown in gardens.
そこでGoogleで "aquilegia picture" を検索しましたが、花の種類が益々増えただけです。そこで検索に "leaf" を加えたら、馴染みのあるオダマキの葉の写真が現れ、"aquilegia" はオダマキだと納得しました。
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