English Collection


you're in for

2019年02月12日 | 英単語
The Japan Times Jan.31に下記の二つの別々の記事キャプションに使われている表現が気になりました。
・Thinking of working in Japan? It's good to know what you're in for
・Demand for non-Japanese engineers is growing, but know what you're in for before you apply
記事の内容はどちらも 'non-Japanese'(foreigner/外人の言葉を避けていますね)が日本で働く場合に経験する、本国なら余り経験することのないこと(良い事も悪いことも)が書かれていました。辞書で "in for / be in for" の説明を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Have good reason to expect (typically something unpleasant): it looks as if we're in for a storm

・Wiktionary: To be able to expect or anticipate; to be about to suffer, generally said of something unpleasant. The weather forecast says we are in for three feet of snow over the next week.

・Collins Dictionary: about to be affected by (something, esp something unpleasant): you're in for a shock
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