English Collection



2020年07月09日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 5月号の記事 'He Cured His Own Disease' からの引用です。
In 2010, during his third years, he got very sick and was hospitalized for five months. Something was attacking his liver, kidneys, and other organs and shutting them down.
The diagnosis was idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. First described in 1954, Castleman presents partly like an autoimmune condition and partly like cancer. It's about as rare as ALS; there are around 7,000 new cases each year in the United States.
"idiopathic" 難しそうな医学用語の様ですが、気になるので辞書を見ました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Relating to or denoting any disease or condition which arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown.: Little is known about the pathogenesis of cough in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

・Collins Dictionary: designating or of a disease whose cause is unknown or uncertain: He's got what they call idiopathic symptomology, sick as hell but nothing wrong with him that they can find.

・Vocabulary.com: When your doctor isn't sure why you're sick, she might describe your illness as idiopathic, doctor-speak for "of unknown causes."
The medical term idiopathic comes from Greek roots: idios, or "one's own," and pathos, "suffering" or "disease." The literal meaning is something like "a disease of its own," or an illness that isn't connected to any particular cause. This is often the diagnosis doctors end up with after ruling out a lot of known conditions or diseases, and it's an official-sounding way for a medical professional to say "I don't know why you're sick."
"idiopathic" お医者さんには便利な必須用語ですね。患者にとっては困った病気ですが。
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