English Collection



2020年08月16日 | 英単語
角田光代の "The Eighth Day" (原題 八日目の蝉)がとても良かったので、江戸区の図書館にもう一冊ある同著者の英訳の小説を読もうとしたのですが、残念ながら貸し出し中になっていたので、江國 香織の "Twinkle Twinkle"(原題「きらきらひかる」)を読むことにしました。。
It didn't make any sense. What could Mizuho have been thinking? I couldn't work it out at all.
"Who's up for a ride on the long flume?" Haneki asked. We'd been avoiding it so far, since Yuta could't go on anything too fast, but the truth was that it was my favorite ride.
"flume" の意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary:

a. A deep narrow channel or ravine with a stream running through it.
b. An artificial channel conveying water, typically used for transporting logs or timber.
c. A water-chute ride at an amusement park.: Tom couldn't get enough of the mini flume and waterslide.
この小説での意味は c.ですね。
・Collins Dictionary: a slide in the form of a long and winding tube with a stream of water running through it that descends into a purpose-built pool
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a structure for people to slide down at a swimming pool or water park, shaped like a large tube with water flowing through it: Guests lie on their stomach on the toboggan style mat as they ride down the flumes.

・Random House Unabridged Dictionary: an amusement park ride in which passengers are carried in a boatlike or loglike conveyance through a narrow, water-filled chute or over a water slide.
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