English Collection


wanted the moon

2020年12月08日 | 英単語
Danielle Steelの 'Five Days in Paris' を読んでいます。
主人公のPeterが付き合っている彼女、Kate、の父親、Frank Donovan、からDonovanの会社で働くよう勧められます。
Like Peter, Frank Donovan was a marketing man, and a great one. He talked to Peter about his career, his life's plan, his future, and liking what he heard, he offered him a job at Wilson-Donovan. He said nothing about Katie. In fact, he insisted the job had nothing to do with her whatssoever.
He agonized over it, debated endlessly, and even his father thought it was a good move when Peter called him to discuss it. Peter went home to Wisconsin to talk to him about it over a long weekend. His father wanted the moon for him, and encouraged him to take Donovan's offer.

Peterの父親は "wanted the moon" とは何のことでしょうか? その仕事を受けることを望んでいるのは間違いないので、この様な表現が英語であるのか辞書を見ましたが、"moon" ではどの辞書にも当てはまるような説明は見当たりません。しかしながら、"cry for the moon" あるいは "ask for the moon" に次の意味があることが分かりました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Ask for what is unattainable or impossible.: ‘there must be no more self-pity, no more time wasted on crying for the moon
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to ask for something that is very difficult or impossible to get: The striking workers say they just want to be paid a fair wage. They're not asking for the moon.
"ask for the moon" で調べていると次の辞書に "want the moon" も使われるとありました。
・Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary: (also want the moon) (British English, informal) want or ask for something you cannot get, or something that will not be given to you: Is it asking for the moon to hope for peace in this country?; I don’t want the moon; I just want him to listen to me for once.
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