English Collection



2020年12月11日 | 英単語
Danielle Steelの'Five Days in Paris' を読んでいます。滞在しているパリのホテルで爆弾を仕掛けられたとの騒ぎがあり、Peterは退避中に同じホテルに滞在しているOliviaと会っています。
"That must be uncomfortable for you," Olivia said, searching his eyes, trying to see if he was unhappy, or even knew it. He seemed to be suggesting that Kate's loyalty to her father, even to that degree, was not only acceptable to him, but normal. And yet his eyes said something else. She wondered if that was what he had meant when he said everyone's shoes pinched sometimes. To Olivia, to whom privacy and discretion and loyalty meant almost everything, Peter's shoes would have given her bunions.

Danielle Steelの小説には難しい単語は余り出てきませんが、この "bunions" は全く分かりません。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A painful swelling on the first joint of the big toe.: A bunion is a bony swelling on the side of the big toe.

・Collins Dictionary: swelling of the first joint of the big toe, which is displaced to one side. An inflamed bursa forms over the joint: A bunion, or hallux valgus, is a problem that affects toe joints, most often the first joint of the big toe.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: a painful swelling on the main joint of the big toe: Both surveys identified that toenail problems dramatically increased with age and that corns, calluses and bunions, increased in prevalence with age.
卓球仲間の女性に外反母趾で足が痛くて靴が履けないとこぼしている方がいますが、足の親指が曲がっていました。 "bunions" は外反母趾の事ですね。
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