English Collection


busting my chops

2020年12月20日 | 英単語
Danielle Steelの'Five Days in Paris' を読んでいます。
"But we are careful. That's the whole point. Every drug has its risks, its side effects, its downside. If we weren't willing to live with that, we'd have to close our doors and start selling cotton candy at the state fair. For chrissake, Peter, stop busting my chops on this, be sensible. I want you to understand I'm going to override you on this....

"bust someone's chops" は慣用句の様です。辞書を引きます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Nag or criticize someone.; to berate or hound in an effort to elicit action.: The boss has been busting chops all day.; The boss busted our chops all week.

・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to criticize someone in a playful way: tease: My brother likes to bust my chops.

'Five Days in Paris' を読み終えました。Danielle Steelの小説を二冊読んだだけですが、どちらも登場人物が少ないので多読本を読むのと同じようにすらすら読めます。英語が上達した様な気にさせます。
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