English Collection



2021年05月15日 | 英単語
Isabella Birdが日光を訪れた箇所からの引用です。

In front is a stone table decorated with a bronze incense-burner, a vase with lotus blossoms and leaves in brass, and a bronze stork bearing a bronze candlestick in its mouth. A lofty stone wall, surmounted by a balustrade, surrounds the simple but stately enclosure, and cryptomeria of large size growing up the back of the hill create perpetual twilight round it. Slant rays of sunshine alone pass through them, no flower blooms or bird sings, only silence and mournfulness surround the grave of the ablest and greatest man that Japan has produced.

"able" は多くの場合 "be able to" の形で使われるので "can" と同じ感覚の印象があり、形容詞だということを忘れていました。
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