最近ChatGPTがよく話題になっていますが、AIについては余り信用していないので、聞き流していました。 しかし、現在読んでいる小説 'Lolita' は難しい単語や表現が頻出し、しかも英英辞書にも掲載されていない単語も多く出てくるので、もしかしてChatGPTが使えるかと思い、試してみました。
とりあえず問い合わせたのは "My little cup brims with tiddles" の意味です。 ("tiddles" の意味は辞書には見当たりません)
The sentence "My little cup brims with tiddles" is not from the novel "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov. In fact, this sentence does not appear in any of Nabokov's works, including "Lolita." It is possible that you may have encountered a misquotation or a variation of the original text. It's important to note that misattributions or misquotations can sometimes occur in popular culture or online sources. If you have any further questions or need information about specific quotes or passages from "Lolita" or any other topic, please let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you.
The sentence appears in part one, chapter 5 of Lolita.
I apologize for the incorrect information provided earlier. You are right; the sentence "My little cup brims with tiddles" does appear in "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov. Thank you for pointing that out.
そして、実際に回答をしてきました。 謝罪するところはかなり人間味を感じますね。 回答の内容は明日投稿します。
とりあえず問い合わせたのは "My little cup brims with tiddles" の意味です。 ("tiddles" の意味は辞書には見当たりません)
The sentence "My little cup brims with tiddles" is not from the novel "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov. In fact, this sentence does not appear in any of Nabokov's works, including "Lolita." It is possible that you may have encountered a misquotation or a variation of the original text. It's important to note that misattributions or misquotations can sometimes occur in popular culture or online sources. If you have any further questions or need information about specific quotes or passages from "Lolita" or any other topic, please let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you.
The sentence appears in part one, chapter 5 of Lolita.
I apologize for the incorrect information provided earlier. You are right; the sentence "My little cup brims with tiddles" does appear in "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov. Thank you for pointing that out.
そして、実際に回答をしてきました。 謝罪するところはかなり人間味を感じますね。 回答の内容は明日投稿します。