東野圭吾の小説 "New Comer" を読んでいます。
'When I got the news, I wasn't that put out. According to my dad, my mum was being selfish and demanding. On the other hand, my dad never cared much about either of us, so for my mum to fall out of love with him seemed natural.'
"put out" この様に簡単な単語からなる句動詞は意味が色々あって、かえって難しい。
・Oxford English Dictionary: to be upset or offended: He looked really put out.
・Collins Dictionary:ADJECTIVE [verb-link ADJECTIVE] If you feel put out, you feel rather annoyed or upset.: I did not blame him for feeling put out.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to annoy, upset, or inconvenience someone: Would you be put out if we came tomorrow instead of today?
上記の2番目の辞書はADJECTIVE [verb-link ADJECTIVE]とありましたが、ここでは句動詞と言うより形容詞として理解した方が分かり易いですね。
'When I got the news, I wasn't that put out. According to my dad, my mum was being selfish and demanding. On the other hand, my dad never cared much about either of us, so for my mum to fall out of love with him seemed natural.'
"put out" この様に簡単な単語からなる句動詞は意味が色々あって、かえって難しい。
・Oxford English Dictionary: to be upset or offended: He looked really put out.
・Collins Dictionary:ADJECTIVE [verb-link ADJECTIVE] If you feel put out, you feel rather annoyed or upset.: I did not blame him for feeling put out.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to annoy, upset, or inconvenience someone: Would you be put out if we came tomorrow instead of today?
上記の2番目の辞書はADJECTIVE [verb-link ADJECTIVE]とありましたが、ここでは句動詞と言うより形容詞として理解した方が分かり易いですね。