English Collection


give you the third degree

2024年06月04日 | 英単語
先週久しぶりの旅行で浜松市で開かれている花万博に行って来ました。新幹線にも久しぶりに乗りました。旅行の前日からのどが痛くなり、未だに治っていません。さて、東野圭吾の小説 "New Comer" を読んでいます。

Kaga didn't say another word. Shuhei took care to avoid making eye contact.
After Kaga left, Yoriko called Shuhei over when he was carrying dirty dishes to the kitchen.
'That detective from the Nihonbashi precinct gave you the third degree, did he?'

"give you the third degree" での辞書検索ではほとんどの辞書の項目にはありませんでしたが、"the third degree" で検索するとほとんどの辞書に説明がありました。

・Oxford English Dictionary: (informal) to question somebody for a long time and in a careful and detailed way; to use threats or violence to get information from somebody
・Collins Dictionary: If you say that someone has been given the third degree, you mean that they have been questioned or criticized severely. [informal] She's phoned to complain and you're suddenly being given the third degree.
・Vocabulary.com: The third degree is an intense, harsh way to question a suspect. Your parents' excessive questions about your plans for the weekend might feel like the third degree.
It's very common for people to joke about the third degree, using it to mean "lots of questions" or "too much curiosity." The actual third degree is a cruel interrogation technique—essentially torture. The term dates from about 1900, and earlier meanings are also still used today: a third-degree burn is the most severe type, and a third-degree crime is the least serious.
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