English Collection



2024年11月27日 | 英単語
まだ読んでいない「放送大学の英語で道を語るの参考文献」はまだありますが、'The Book of Tea'、'Bushido'、'Zen in the Art of Archery' の三冊を読んだところで少し飽きてきたので、今度は小説を読むことにしました。借りた本はNatsuo Kirinoの "OUT" ですが、図書館で受け取って、本が大きくて厚いのと活字が小さいのでちょっと驚きました。何とか貸し出し期限内に読み終えたいと思います。


"Come on," said Masako, bending over her. "You're getting soaked." As she helped her to her feet, she caught a glimpse of a large, dark bruise on Yayoi's stomach where the shirt of her uniform was pushed up. Was this the reason she seemed so distracted? The contusion was unmistakable on her white stomach, straighten Yayoi's uniform to hide the bruise from view.

"contusion" は初めて見る単語だと思いますが、この単語の前に出てきた "dark bruise" と同じ状態を指しているものと推測できます。 辞書で確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: an injury to part of the body that does not break the skin: There were multiple contusions and abrasions on his face and arm.
・Collins Dictionary: A contusion is a bruise.: She was treated for bruising and contusions.
・Vocabulary.com: Contusion is really just a fancy word for a bad bruise. Professional athletes are often benched suffering from contusions. After all, if they're being paid millions, it sounds kinda wimpy to pull them because they're suffering from a...bruise.
A contusion is any damage to the body that doesn't break the skin but ruptures the blood capillaries beneath, resulting in a handsome-looking discoloration. For once, it's a medical term not used widely to describe a broader emotional or psychological state. You could talk about an "emotional contusion," but please, better not to. There are better terms around (see heartbroken, wounded, forlorn, etc.). Your audience will thank you.

Vocabulary.comの説明は丁寧で分かり易いですね。"contusion" は "a fancy word for a bad bruise" なのですね。
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