English Collection


shooting into the blue

2024年11月20日 | 英単語
Eugen Herrigelの "Zen in the Art of Archery" を読んでいます。

Obediently we practiced letting off our shots without taking aim. At first I remained completely unmoved by where my arrows went. Even occasional hits did not excite me, for I knew that so far as I was concerned they were only flukes. But in the end this shooting into the blue was too much for me. I fell back into the temptation to worry.

"shooting into the blue" の意味はなんでしょうか? 著者は弓道の初心者なので、とりあえず、的を狙って弓を射っているだけの様なので、そのことを意味しているようですが、辞書で "into the blue" の項を見ます。次の説明を見つけました。

・American Herritage Dictionary: At a far distance; into the unknown: spontaneously take a trip into the blue.
・Collins Dictionary: into the unknown or the far distance

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