English Collection


under the fold

2025年01月16日 | 英単語

昨日取り上げた "the articles appeared under the fold" の意味をChatGPTで確認しました。

The phrase "the articles appeared under the fold" refers to the placement of news articles in a newspaper.

In traditional print newspapers, “above the fold” means the top half of the front page—the part visible when the newspaper is folded in half. Articles in this position are more prominent and likely to be noticed by readers. In contrast, “under the fold” refers to the lower half of the front page, which is only visible once the newspaper is fully opened. Articles placed under the fold are considered less prominent.

In Shinya Yamanaka's context, this means that while he expected his research paper to be featured as a major headline on the front page, it was placed in a less noticeable position below the fold, likely due to the news coverage of the terrorist attacks in London taking precedence.

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