山中伸弥先生の半生記 "Discovering iPS Cells" を読んでいます。 A Shadow Cast by the Fabrication Scandalの章から引用します。
We also needed to prevent the results from leaking out before the paper was published. Our method was so easy that anyone could just copy it once the information leaked. We had previously held weekly seminars in which all members of the lab took turns presenting results in front of other members, but after the results of the iPS cell project came out, we canceled them. Apart from Takahashi, there were only two other people in whom I could confide about iPS cells: Assistant Professor Nakagawa and our postdoc Okita Keisuke. Our paper was published in Cell in August 2006 (reference 6). I was confident that the results would merit front page news, but the articles appeared under the fold because of the terrorist attacks in London.
引用文最後の文中の "merit front page news, but the articles appeared under the fold" の表現の内、前半の "merit front page news" は表紙のページにふさわしいの意味でしょうが後半の "appeared under the fold"
の意味が分かりません。辞書で "fold" を見ると次の説明がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: in/not in a position where you see it first, for example in the top/bottom part of a newspaper page or web page: Your ad will be placed above the fold for prominent exposure.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a line or mark where paper, cloth, etc. was or is folded: Make a fold across the centre of the card.
Oxford English Dictionaryの説明に出ている意味、新聞の下段の掲載になったとの解釈で良さそうです。気になるので明日ChatGPTで確認します。
We also needed to prevent the results from leaking out before the paper was published. Our method was so easy that anyone could just copy it once the information leaked. We had previously held weekly seminars in which all members of the lab took turns presenting results in front of other members, but after the results of the iPS cell project came out, we canceled them. Apart from Takahashi, there were only two other people in whom I could confide about iPS cells: Assistant Professor Nakagawa and our postdoc Okita Keisuke. Our paper was published in Cell in August 2006 (reference 6). I was confident that the results would merit front page news, but the articles appeared under the fold because of the terrorist attacks in London.
引用文最後の文中の "merit front page news, but the articles appeared under the fold" の表現の内、前半の "merit front page news" は表紙のページにふさわしいの意味でしょうが後半の "appeared under the fold"
の意味が分かりません。辞書で "fold" を見ると次の説明がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: in/not in a position where you see it first, for example in the top/bottom part of a newspaper page or web page: Your ad will be placed above the fold for prominent exposure.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a line or mark where paper, cloth, etc. was or is folded: Make a fold across the centre of the card.
Oxford English Dictionaryの説明に出ている意味、新聞の下段の掲載になったとの解釈で良さそうです。気になるので明日ChatGPTで確認します。