現在放送中のNHK朝ドラ「まっさん」の奥さん、エリーはスコットランド出身ですが、Foreign Wives of Japanese (AFWJ)メンバーのドラマに対する感想などをJapan Times Onlineが記事(Nov.11)にしていました。その記事からの引用です。
At the same time, members acknowledged that some of Ellie's behavior mirrors that of the standard morning drama heroine, who typically starts out as a sweet-natured but gauche ingenue before growing in confidence and competence throughout the series.
まず "gauche"
の意味を調べます。 ・Oxford English Dictionary: Lacking ease or grace; unsophisticated and socially awkward.: There were awkward speeches saying kind and clumsy things, gauche jokes and real fondness.
・Merriam-Webster: having or showing a lack of awareness about the proper way to behave : socially awkward: Would it be gauche of me to ask her how old she is?
次に "ingenue" を辞書で見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: (formal) an innocent and unsophisticated young woman ⇒ This was no fragile ingenue. Caroline knew exactly what she was doing.
・Vocabulary.com: What do Ophelia, Snow White, and Sandy from the movie "Grease" all have in common? You could call each one an ingenue, or a young female character in literature or film who is wholesome and innocent.
Ingenue comes from the French ingenu meaning "ingenuous, innocent." The term is used to describe the innocent girl stock character in film or literature. She's usually gentle, sweet, virginal, and pretty naive -- which makes her susceptible to the harsh dangers of the world. Ingenue can also be used to describe an actress who specializes in playing this kind of character specifically.
上の説明に出てきた "stock character" は何年か前に取り上げて覚えた言葉ですが、どうもブログの引っ越しで消えたようです。明日 "stock character" を再度取り上げたいと思います。
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