English Collection



2023年09月28日 | 英単語
Harper Leeの "To Kill a Mockingbird" を読んでいます。

He was a man learned in the law, and although he seemed to take his job casually, in reality he kept a firm grip on any proceedings that came before him. Only once was Judge Taylor ever seen at a dead standstill in open court, and the Cunninghams stopped him.

形容詞の "casual" なら辞書に項目がありますが、"casually" は副詞なので普通は項目はありません.。 しかし、次の辞書には "casually" の項目もありました。
・Dictionary.com: in a way that shows indifference, apathy, or a lack of intention or understanding: She strolled in casually, as if she weren’t late.: I wonder if the people who are so casually throwing the word "radical" around know what it actually means.
・Vocabulary.com: Use the adverb casually for anything you do in a relaxed, informal sort of way. When you talk casually with a friend, you chat about this and that, rather than having a serious conversation or a formal debate.
Anything you do casually is really no big deal. If you're allowed to dress casually at work or school, you can pretty much wear whatever is comfortable. When you casually hit a home run during your softball game, you make it seem easy. And if you casually stroll down the street, you're clearly in no rush. This word comes from the adjective casual, which comes from the Late Latin casualis, "by chance."
"casually" のニュアンスの幅は広いなと感じます。

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