Reader's Digest 3・4月合併号の記事 "Operation: Find Avery " からの引用です。
Raquel Witherspoon, 38. was frantically searching for her daughter's Yorkshir terrier, Avery, in June 2022 after making a shocking discovery. Doorbell camera footage showed a young woman with dyed-red hair creep onto her front porch, throw treats to Avery, then make off with the tiny dog.
簡単な単語で構成されている句動詞も意味を推測するのが難しい。上記の文は犬を持ち去ったと推測できますが。"make off with" を辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: to steal something and hurry away with it: Thieves made off with $30 000 worth of computer equipment.
・Collins Dictionary: If you make off with something, you steal it and take it away with you.: Masked robbers broke in and made off with $8,000.
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To escape with someone or something that has been stolen, snatched, etc.: The thieves busted the ATM and made off with the cash inside.
"with" の無い "make off" だと、単に立ち去る場合に使われます。
Raquel Witherspoon, 38. was frantically searching for her daughter's Yorkshir terrier, Avery, in June 2022 after making a shocking discovery. Doorbell camera footage showed a young woman with dyed-red hair creep onto her front porch, throw treats to Avery, then make off with the tiny dog.
簡単な単語で構成されている句動詞も意味を推測するのが難しい。上記の文は犬を持ち去ったと推測できますが。"make off with" を辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: to steal something and hurry away with it: Thieves made off with $30 000 worth of computer equipment.
・Collins Dictionary: If you make off with something, you steal it and take it away with you.: Masked robbers broke in and made off with $8,000.
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To escape with someone or something that has been stolen, snatched, etc.: The thieves busted the ATM and made off with the cash inside.
"with" の無い "make off" だと、単に立ち去る場合に使われます。