However, it will take more than just a year or two for the iPS cell technology to be used directly in patients. It will take 10 to 20 years to reach that stage. My mission is to keep going until this technology is available to patients, in the same way as I run a marathon. A marathon uses a lot of brawn, but it also uses a lot of brain power, and it would be meaningless to me and CiRA if I fell suddenly after one year of trying.
山中先生は若い頃柔道とラグビーをしていて、骨折した経験が何度もあるそうです。そして今でもマラソンを走っているそうです。マラソンは非常に体力を使いますが、"brawn" の意味を辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: physical strength: In this job you need brains as well as brawn.
・Collins Dictionary: Brawn is physical strength.: He's got plenty of brains as well as brawn.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: physical strength and big muscles: She said she preferred brawn to brains (= a person who is physically attractive rather than an intelligent one).
・Vocabulary.com: Brawn means muscular strength. Brawn is thought of as the opposite of brains, but let’s face it — people can be strong and smart! No matter how smart you are, though, you must have big muscles to have brawn.
The word brawn is from the Old French word braon, which means “fleshy or muscular part,” referring to a part of an animal that people cook and eat. British English still uses brawn to mean meat, headcheese in particular. In American English, brawn refers to strength and heft. You may also have heard the adjective brawny, meaning strong and muscular.
"brawn" はbrainsに対する、体力の内の筋力を示しているのですね。
However, it will take more than just a year or two for the iPS cell technology to be used directly in patients. It will take 10 to 20 years to reach that stage. My mission is to keep going until this technology is available to patients, in the same way as I run a marathon. A marathon uses a lot of brawn, but it also uses a lot of brain power, and it would be meaningless to me and CiRA if I fell suddenly after one year of trying.
山中先生は若い頃柔道とラグビーをしていて、骨折した経験が何度もあるそうです。そして今でもマラソンを走っているそうです。マラソンは非常に体力を使いますが、"brawn" の意味を辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: physical strength: In this job you need brains as well as brawn.
・Collins Dictionary: Brawn is physical strength.: He's got plenty of brains as well as brawn.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: physical strength and big muscles: She said she preferred brawn to brains (= a person who is physically attractive rather than an intelligent one).
・Vocabulary.com: Brawn means muscular strength. Brawn is thought of as the opposite of brains, but let’s face it — people can be strong and smart! No matter how smart you are, though, you must have big muscles to have brawn.
The word brawn is from the Old French word braon, which means “fleshy or muscular part,” referring to a part of an animal that people cook and eat. British English still uses brawn to mean meat, headcheese in particular. In American English, brawn refers to strength and heft. You may also have heard the adjective brawny, meaning strong and muscular.
"brawn" はbrainsに対する、体力の内の筋力を示しているのですね。