ノーベル賞受賞者の山中伸弥先生の半生を書いた "Discovering iPS Cells" を読むことにしました。この本は (放送大学の講座『英語で「道」を語る』の参考文献に載っていた "Discover Japan" を検索していたら、たまたま見つけました。最初に引用するのは山中先生によるIntroductionからです。
The sight of those rhythmically beating cells--heart cells created from iPS cells that came originally from skin cells--is seared into my memory. They were beating just like natural heart cells, filling me with a sense of wonderment that I still get whenever I see the different kinds of cells that can be made from iPS cells.
"seared into my memory" の意味は文脈からすると記憶に刻まれるの様な意味だと思いますが辞書で確認します。
・Wiktionary: To mark permanently, as if by burning.: The events of that day were seared into her memory.
・Vocabulary.com: To sear something is to quickly cook or burn its surface by applying intense heat. When making beef stew, the color and flavor are usually better if you sear the meat first.
Sear comes from the Old English word searian which meant “dry up” or “wither.” Typically, the verb sear now refers to burning or scorching something with heat, but if you see the phrase “wind-seared,” it means that a place — or something left in that place — has been withered by exposure to the elements. An unpleasant image can be seared into your memory, meaning you can't forget it.
"seared into my memory" は心に焼き付くイメージですね。
ノーベル賞受賞者の山中伸弥先生の半生を書いた "Discovering iPS Cells" を読むことにしました。この本は (放送大学の講座『英語で「道」を語る』の参考文献に載っていた "Discover Japan" を検索していたら、たまたま見つけました。最初に引用するのは山中先生によるIntroductionからです。
The sight of those rhythmically beating cells--heart cells created from iPS cells that came originally from skin cells--is seared into my memory. They were beating just like natural heart cells, filling me with a sense of wonderment that I still get whenever I see the different kinds of cells that can be made from iPS cells.
"seared into my memory" の意味は文脈からすると記憶に刻まれるの様な意味だと思いますが辞書で確認します。
・Wiktionary: To mark permanently, as if by burning.: The events of that day were seared into her memory.
・Vocabulary.com: To sear something is to quickly cook or burn its surface by applying intense heat. When making beef stew, the color and flavor are usually better if you sear the meat first.
Sear comes from the Old English word searian which meant “dry up” or “wither.” Typically, the verb sear now refers to burning or scorching something with heat, but if you see the phrase “wind-seared,” it means that a place — or something left in that place — has been withered by exposure to the elements. An unpleasant image can be seared into your memory, meaning you can't forget it.
"seared into my memory" は心に焼き付くイメージですね。