三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)

【2階建茅葺き 江戸〜大正の「宿店」/福島市民家園-4】

2024年09月28日 06時06分47秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

2-story thatched building, Edo - Taisho period “Shukumoten” / Fukushima City Minka-en-4
Remnants of a roadside inn from the Edo period. The thatched roof visually appeals to the “sense of relaxation” and the two-story building is a landmark. Appealing to Japanese people who love to travel. The building is a landmark for Japanese people who love to travel.

It was interesting to see the various reactions to yesterday's blog post. The most significant was the realization that many of the buildings that have been moved and preserved today as “old private houses” are generally considered “magnificent” buildings from the time of their construction, and cannot be said to have been inhabited by ordinary people in those days. Residential architecture should also take this view into account.
 It is important to remember that residential architecture must be considered in light of this viewpoint. At the same time, it was an opportunity for me to reconsider my perspective on the real image of history and folklore.
 The building I will visit today is one that surprised me at first sight. As a common understanding of old private house architecture, it is common to see “tiled roofs” in urban residential architecture, and two-story buildings are common there, but this building had a thatched roof and was two stories high, showing the proportions of a modern residence, so to speak.
 The name of the building is “Kyu Kakei Jyuten” (old Kakei family's inn). It was built at 14 Kannonji, Kamikarasuwatari, Fukushima City. The construction date is certain to be before the end of the Edo period, and it is confirmed that the building was extended in the 10th year of Meiji era. It is still located near the Fukushima Nishi Interchange on the Tohoku Expressway, and during the Edo and Taisho periods, it stood at the junction of the old Aizu-kaido road and the old Yonezawa-kaido road.
 Later, with the opening of the Manyo Highway (a road connecting Fukushima and Yonezawa) and the opening of the Ou Main Line and the Iwakoshi Railway (the current JR Banetsu Nishi Line connecting Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, to Niigata Prefecture), the number of travelers declined sharply and the business was discontinued. In short, merchant house architecture rose and fell with changes in the flow of people over time. While such buildings in urban areas were gradually converted to noncombustible structures with tiled roofs, Tohoku Fukushima still retains the appearance of the highway inns that were originally built in the Edo period.
 The first floor is surprisingly open, and except for the partitions between the two tatami rooms in the back, all three sides of the building are open to the public. The upper part of the building is so heavy that one wonders if this is structurally sound. Perhaps it was a landmark as a traveling inn because of such a “landmark” feeling.
 I am not familiar with the architecture of roadside inns in the Edo period, so I am not sure, but it certainly had the functionality of being “conspicuous.
 In terms of functionality, the description says that the idea of using the “tatami room” of the main house to open a traveling inn was inherited from the innkeepers in this region. But perhaps this was a universal idea in Japanese architectural culture. This is actually a thought-provoking comment from Mr. T, who commented on yesterday's blog. He said that a splendid tatami room would have been a space in the Japanese residential culture where people tried their best to create a sense of “luxury” and “hospitality” for the sake of “hospitality”.
 The motive behind the creation of such a space is very interesting as a folklore.

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