三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)

【ついに発見 伝説の「ヤリキレナイ」川】

2024年09月22日 07時40分53秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

Finally discovered: The legendary “Yarikirenai” river.
The river that bears the pessimistic murmurings of adults who sigh, “No, no, I can't do it anymore. We finally step into the reality of the fear in children's hearts. A gentle murmur. A gentle murmur.

Ever since I was a child, I had heard that there was a river in Hokkaido called “Yarikirenai” river. As a child, I felt the peculiar pessimistic feeling that adults put in the word “yarikirenai” in my ears, and I had a fearful feeling in my heart that, oh, what an unpleasant thing there is in life.
 The “river” that stimulates such a sense of dislike in adults has always stirred my imagination as to what kind of a scary river it is.
 Yesterday, my wife and I went to a roadside station in Naganuma, a town next to Kita Hiroshima City, where we often go shopping for vegetables these days. We enjoyed buying kohlrabi again, somen squash, and a large quantity of onions in the harvest season. Even for those of us who try to eat a vegetable-based diet, the greatest pleasure is food, so at least having this kind of pleasure makes me feel happy (laughs). When you wake up to the variety of vegetables, it is also very deep.
 So, at my wife's suggestion, we left Naganuma for a day trip to a hot spring in the neighboring town of Kuriyama. We entered the information into the car navigation system and headed there, but even for those of us born and raised in Hokkaido, the scenery around us was a little different. It was filled with a sense of nostalgia, but the scenery from the car window was fresh and new.
 After arriving at the station, we realized that we had never ridden the JR line in Kuriyama (from Tomakomai to Iwamizawa). This gave me a sense of being lost in a kind of labyrinth, and I even ended up exploring the Kuriyama Town History Museum. This was an interesting new discovery. This was an interesting new discovery for the elderly.
 After that, I registered my home as my destination in the car navigation system and started driving home. Ten minutes after I started driving from Kuriyama-cho to the highway IC of Ebetsu-higashi, I came across the “information board” as shown in the photo above. Oh!
 I immediately got out of the car (my wife remained indifferently in the car) and started taking pictures.
 Usually, I can solve my questions by searching on the web, but this information board was the first time for me to solve my questions about the “Yarikirrenai” River since I was a young boy. It is said to be directly derived from the Ainu word “yanke nai, or Iyarukinai,” meaning “a river where no fish live, or a river with one half. Furthermore, the meaning of “one half of a river” is said to mean “one half of a twin to the Yuni River that flows nearby.
 However, it is interesting to note that the word iyar kinai can also be taken to mean “unwillingness to do something. It is also excellent that the Japanese word for “unwillingness” was added to the Ainu word. As I am interested in the “folklore of Hokkaido,” this kind of humorous spirit is one of the clues I am looking for. I wonder how it will turn out....

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