NTT... From Wikipedia
...The preamble abbreviation
Therefore in such a trend
From the size of the vastness of the scope of business and the influence to the economy after privatization, too
Because the area dispute over division like the Japanese National Railway division (7 companies of JR) spouted in the pressure of the U.S. and made a political issue
There is a point of view to make that Nippon Telegraph and Telephone avoided division in making a subsidiary to evade area division, too.
...The omit the last part
As for the following, Akutagawa said very important what anyone has never said formerly.
It sends it to the world now.
But saying very fragmentarily and symbolically
The pressure of the U.S. for what purpose was it?
If being, it should apply pressure on China, too.
Because China was the country of the Communist Party dictatorship, it said that pressure wasn't multiplied.
It should not ruin still and a thing, intention in Japan which tried to measure further internationalization of yen in Asia and Ken Sakamura's TRON revolution.
Saying it should place Japan as the country which has the best intellect of the world and the liberty to tower to the U.S., to head the world and to go, Akutagawa is convinced.