文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

That our country is surrounded by the alarming state group, the kidnapper (North Korea)

2018年03月04日 13時28分10秒 | 日記

Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.

University of Tsukuba Graduate School Professor Furuta Hiroshi

'it is lucky find if passing a lie, too' world

September 20, 2012 Sankei Shimbun

That our country is surrounded by the alarming state group, the kidnapper (North Korea), the island thief (Korea), the sea thief (China), by a series of political behaviors in the East Asian nations this time seems to have become finally clearer with the people.

«Seeking illusion of" Victory against Japan "»

I have repeatedly warned through this column that it will soon be in such a crisis since I wrote ‘East Asia Anti-Japan Triangle’ (Bunshun Shinsho) in 2005.

In these countries, nationalism is multiply riding on Hua - Yi distinction of self - absolute justice.

Therefore, in the Middle Ages Japan that was a frontier from the perspective of them prosperity, looking from the viewpoint of Hua - Yi distinction, they do not feel balmy forever.

Nationalism takes the form of anti-Japan and flushes from traditional strata.

There was also a problem in independence after the war.

A country (Korea) That had the United States released without fighting the Japanese army, a country lost a lot of things that played guerrilla warfare a little, the country that was made a puppet of the Soviet Union (North Korea), while the other guys were fighting the Japanese army, they cultivated spirit in the mountains, and after the war, they pulled out the people who were fighting before and became independent countries (China), they are.

These countries cannot make the story of the people without a false history that they won Japan.

From now on, they will continue invading Japan's sovereignty and invading in order to appeal to the people that it is constantly fighting Japan, once I wrote it here.

(Sound Argument column dated May 8, 2009 ‘Do not you live in an embarrassing country?’).

President Lee Myung-bak of Korea descended to the land where he drove the island, and then said:

"If the Emperor wants to visit Korea, apologize to Korean independence activists. It does not have to come only with the word deepest regrets.”

Korea’s Hua - Yi distinction is a small one in ‘small Hua - Yi distinction’ of ass in a lion's skin called China, but you will find that it is full of enthusiasm for insulting Japan still.



2018年03月04日 12時46分50秒 | 日記


◆筑波大学大学院教授・古田博司 「ウソも通ればめっけ物」の世
2012年9月20日 産経新聞










2018年03月04日 12時43分53秒 | 日記


◆筑波大学大学院教授・古田博司 「ウソも通ればめっけ物」の世界
2012年9月20日 産経新聞










2018年03月04日 12時42分21秒 | 日記


◆筑波大学大学院教授・古田博司 「ウソも通ればめっけ物」の世界
2012年9月20日 産経新聞










As for countries that cannot survive by themselves, it was common for surrounding countries to

2018年03月04日 12時33分15秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis is on me.

◆ On 16th November 2001, the International Academic Conference was hosted by the Asia Center of Harvard University in the United States of America.

It was said that Korean scholars were prepared under the support of the International Exchange Foundation under the umbrella of the Korean government.

The Korean side was intended to establish the illegal theory of Japan's Annexation of Korea on the international stage.

Here, the controversies were held by American, British, Korean, and Japanese scholars gathered.

The Korean side first insisted on how Japan illegally annexed Korea.

However, Professor J. Crawford of Cambridge University, who was an expert in international law, made a strong legal argument.

In other words, ‘As for countries that cannot survive by themselves, it was common for surrounding countries to incorporate the country from the perspective of international order, then Japan - Korea Treaty of 1910 was not illegal under international law’ it insisted.

Naturally, the Korean side fiercely opposed and claimed that it was ‘forced to Japan’, but Professor J. Crawford said, ‘The argument of illegality was forced since the First World War, as then, it does not become a problem.’, professor J. Crawford scolded the Korean side.

As a result, the Korean side gone away dropping their shoulders despondently. '



2018年03月04日 12時11分59秒 | 日記




2012年9月23日 日曜日

東アジア「反日」トライアングル (文春新書)  古田博司(著)

In conclusion, the attitude of the author against the anti-Japanese problem is clearly spoken

2018年03月04日 12時05分48秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In Appendix II we talk about the difference in spiritual perspective between Japan and East Asian countries.

Especially in the Asia countries, there are customs to disregard other than 'themselves' which is 'a group that can be confirmed by a record with a blood related connection with ancestors', the exclusivity that does not look around its circumference, the author says that it's the disincentive of the modernization of these countries, too.

In conclusion, the attitude of the author against the anti-Japanese problem is clearly spoken.

'Our country is an international stage, peace which is gotten, making such a sacrifice supposing that there is a way to maintain a harmony in East Asia only in submitting to receiving unreasonable criticism and receiving the handling as it takes no notices the culture, the history and the mind of Japan,

Which is peace of the slave, and it is not possible to endure absolutely.'

I truly agree.

Japan in East Asia's only postmodern period is said to be exposed to ‘attacks from the past’

2018年03月04日 11時44分39秒 | 日記

Until August of 4 years ago, I did not know Mr. Furuta Hiroshi at all because I was a subscriber to Asahi and Nikkei ... Only as for this thing, the biased coverage of Asahi Shimbun was hard- core ... Then, it is because I am the human being who lived in the business circles not in the press.

I am the first person in the world that clearly defined the Internet as the largest library in human history.

After all, I have never played games etc. on the Internet, and I do not think I want to do anything in the future either.

I found a very good article this morning.


That our Japan was surrounded by the serious state group, the kidnapper (North Korea), the island thief (Korea), the sea thief (China), became finally clearer with the people.

East Asia ‘Anti-Japan’ Triangle (Bunshun Shinsho) Furuta Hiroshi (Author)

Customer Review

◆ In this chapter consisting of six chapters, China, Korea, North Korea etc.

It will draw on the background that East Asia's three countries stick to anti-Japanese nationalism.

For one thing, China is the entrance to the modern period, Korea is the middle of the modern period, with North Korea it is in the Medieval Ages,

Japan in East Asia's only postmodern period is said to be exposed to ‘attacks from the past’ by such a state group of different times.

However, in a group of international sports events sponsored by their own country group a form human letter, Korean who abuse another country and are pleased with everyone, or, such as making a consular office of another country attack by public-made demo as a part of diplomacy, as I see China's too stupid and ugly, I do not think that Japan such have similar to such countries in the past.

Though the being of Japan to be in the difference times is done an interesting viewpoint about 3 countries of East Asia,

Rather, cultural and spiritual differences between Japan and these countries, which is also mentioned in Appendix II, is not serious?

Actually this appendix after this chapter is not in all inferior to this chapter interesting.

As for this chapter, actually, the appendix being behind this chapter is interesting not in all inferior to this chapter.

In Appendix I, it cites two Koreans in Japan cultural figures called Miri Yu and Kang Sang-jung who they fascinated by the identity of Koreans in Japan as the victim, being it is aiming, 'The mythicization of Koreans in Japan Issei', but the author says that it spells many third and fourth generations to 'Victimity' and leads to unhappiness.

This article continues.

Je lisais un véritable article ci-dessous je ne pouvais pas réprimer mes larmes.

2018年03月04日 10時24分24秒 | 日記

Au moment où j'ai réalisé l'image réelle d'un politicien nommé Abe Shinzo, c'est qu'il a démissionné de l'administration en raison de maladies du côlon et qu'il démissionnait de son poste public.
Quand je suis arrivé à l'hôtel Nikko de Shinsaibashi et que je suis descendu de l'escalator, je l'ai vu descendre l'escalier.
Il y avait une personne qui était complètement différente de l'impression qui était tenue en tant que personne abonnée au journal Asahi.
En dînant dans un restaurant qui est parfois visité,
Je lisais le magazine mensuel HANADA ce mois-ci.
Je lisais un véritable article ci-dessous je ne pouvais pas réprimer mes larmes.
Comme l'Oguma Eiji dans le chapitre précédent,
Pour le peuple japonais et les citoyens japonais, en fait, les humains qui luttent avec des affaires etc. pour écrire des phrases tout en travaillant des maux qui ne sont plus ...
Si la politique et la diplomatie sont les gens qui ne peuvent pas avoir Xi Jinping et Poutine et Trump et ainsi de suite dans eux, n'étant pas du tout, c'est qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de dire cependant.
Les gens qui sont dans leur opposition directe.
Décharger leur devoir en tant qu'homme, pour le peuple japonais et les citoyens japonais, j'ai été ému par les personnes précieuses qui ont consacré leur vie chaque jour.
Dans cet article, les gens qui s'abonnent à l'Asahi Shimbun etc. et regardent seulement leurs stations de télévision et NHK etc. sont pleins de vérités absolument inconnues.
Si vous lisez ce document, n'importe qui peut comprendre la folie et la vulgarité d'Oguma et d'autres qui gagnent leur vie en écrivant des textes qui publient la méfiance de la politique, etc. à moins qu'ils ne soient des gens de la maladie d'Asahi Shimbun.
Le document sera publié dans le prochain chapitre.

Estaba leyendo un artículo genuino a continuación, no pude reprimir mis lágrimas.

2018年03月04日 10時23分49秒 | 日記

En el momento en que me di cuenta de que la imagen real de un político llamado Abe Shinzo es que renunció a la administración debido a enfermedades del colon y renunció a su cargo público.
Cuando bajé en el hotel Nikko en Shinsaibashi y bajé por la escalera mecánica, noté que bajaba las escaleras.
Hubo una persona que era completamente diferente de la impresión que se tuvo como una persona que se suscribió al periódico Asahi.
Mientras cena en un restaurante que ocasionalmente se visita,
Estaba leyendo la revista mensual HANADA el número de este mes.
Estaba leyendo un artículo genuino a continuación, no pude reprimir mis lágrimas.
Al igual que el Oguma Eiji en el capítulo anterior,
Para los japoneses y los ciudadanos japoneses, de hecho, los humanos que están luchando con negocios, etc. para escribir oraciones mientras trabajan maldades que ya no existen ...
Si la política y la diplomacia son las personas que no pueden tener a Xi Jinping, Putin y Trump, etc., sin serlo en absoluto, es que no es necesario decirlo.
Las personas que están en su oposición directa.
Al cumplir con su deber como hombre, para el pueblo japonés y los ciudadanos japoneses, me conmovieron las personas valiosas que dedicaron sus vidas todos los días.
En este documento, las personas que se suscriben al Asahi Shimbun, etc. y que solo están viendo sus canales de televisión y NHK, están llenos de verdades absolutamente desconocidas.
Si lees este artículo, cualquiera puede entender la insensatez y vulgaridad de Oguma y otros que se ganan la vida escribiendo textos que publicitan la desconfianza de la política, etc. a menos que sean personas con la enfermedad de Asahi Shimbun.
El documento será publicado en el próximo capítulo.

Ich las unten einen echten Artikel, ich konnte meine Tränen nicht unterdrücken.

2018年03月04日 10時23分15秒 | 日記

In dem Moment, in dem ich das wahre Bild eines Politikers namens Abe Shinzo erkannte, ist, dass er aufgrund von Darmkrankheiten von der Verwaltung zurücktrat und von seinem öffentlichen Amt zurücktrat.
Als ich im Nikko Hotel in Shinsaibashi ausstieg und die Rolltreppe heruntergekommen war, bemerkte ich, dass er die Treppe hinunter ging.
Es gab eine Person, die sich völlig von dem Eindruck unterschied, der als eine Person gehalten wurde, die die Zeitung Asahi abonniert hatte.
Beim Abendessen in einem Restaurant, das gelegentlich besucht wird,
Ich habe die Monatszeitschrift HANADA in diesem Monat gelesen.
Ich las unten einen echten Artikel, ich konnte meine Tränen nicht unterdrücken.
Wie der Oguma Eiji im vorherigen Kapitel,
Für das japanische Volk und die japanischen Bürger, für Menschen, die mit Geschäften usw. zu kämpfen haben, um Sätze zu schreiben, während sie Übel arbeiten, die nicht mehr ...
Wenn die Politik und die Diplomatie die Leute sind, die Xi Jinping und Putin und Trump und so weiter in ihnen nicht haben können, ist es, dass es nicht notwendig ist zu sagen, obwohl.
Die Leute, die in ihrer direkten Opposition sind.
Als Menschen, für das japanische Volk und die japanischen Bürger, war ich von den wertvollen Menschen, die ihr Leben jeden Tag widmeten, bewegt.
In dieser Zeitung sind Leute, die Asahi Shimbun usw. abonnieren und nur ihre Fernsehsender und NHK usw. sehen, voller absolut unbekannter Wahrheiten.
Wenn Sie dieses Papier lesen, kann jeder die Dummheit und Vulgarität von Oguma und anderen verstehen, die ihren Lebensunterhalt verdienen, indem sie Texte schreiben, die Misstrauen gegenüber der Politik usw. öffentlich machen, es sei denn, sie sind Menschen der Asahi Shimbun-Krankheit.
Das Papier wird im nächsten Kapitel veröffentlicht.

Eu estava lendo um artigo genuíno abaixo. Eu não podia reprimir minhas lágrimas.

2018年03月04日 10時22分40秒 | 日記

No instante em que percebi que a imagem real de um político chamado Abe Shinzo é que ele se demitiu da administração devido a doenças colônicas e renunciou a sua postagem pública.
Quando cheguei no hotel Nikko em Shinsaibashi e subi a escada rolante, notei que ele estava caminhando no andar de baixo.
Havia uma pessoa que era completamente diferente da impressão que foi realizada como uma pessoa que se inscreveu no jornal Asahi.
Ao jantar no restaurante que ocasionalmente é visitado,
Eu estava lendo a revista mensal HANADA o problema deste mês.
Eu estava lendo um artigo genuíno abaixo. Eu não podia reprimir minhas lágrimas.
Como o Oguma Eiji no capítulo anterior,
Para os japoneses e os cidadãos japoneses, na verdade, os humanos que estão lutando com os negócios etc. para escrever sentenças enquanto trabalham males que não são mais ...
Se a política e a diplomacia são as pessoas que não podem ter Xi Jinping e Putin e Trump e assim por diante, não sendo do todo, é que não é necessário dizer, no entanto.
As pessoas que estão em sua oposição direta.
Descarregue o seu dever total como homem, para os japoneses e para os cidadãos japoneses, fiquei emocionado com as pessoas preciosas que dedicaram suas vidas a cada dia.
Neste artigo, as pessoas que se inscrevem no Asahi Shimbun etc. e estão assistindo apenas suas estações de televisão e NHK etc. estão cheias de verdades absolutamente desconhecidas.
Se você ler este artigo, qualquer pessoa pode entender a loucura e a vulgaridade de Oguma e outros que ganham a vida escrevendo textos que divulgam a desconfiança da política, etc., a menos que sejam pessoas da doença de Asahi Shimbun.
O artigo será publicado no próximo capítulo.


2018年03月04日 10時22分06秒 | 日記

就像前一章的Oguma Eiji一样,

나는 아래 눈을 진압 할

2018年03月04日 10時21分29秒 | 日記

아베 신조 (Abe Shinzo)라는 정치인의 실상을 알게 된 순간, 그는 결장 질환으로 인해 행정부를 사임하고 그의 일반인을 사임했다.
신사이바시의 닛코 호텔에서 내리고 에스컬레이터를 내려 갔을 때, 나는 아래층으로 걸어가는 것을 보았습니다.
아사히 신문을 구독하는 사람으로서의 인상과는 완전히 다른 사람이있었습니다.
때때로 방문하는 식당에서 저녁 식사를하는 동안,
나는 이번 호의 잡지 인 HANADA를 읽었습니다.
나는 아래 눈을 진압 할 수없는 진정한 기사를 읽었습니다.
이전 장의 Oguma Eiji와 마찬가지로,
실제로 일본인과 일본 시민에게, 더 이상 존재하지 않는 악을 일하는 동안 사업 등으로 문장을 쓰는 데 어려움을 겪고있는 사람 ...
정치와 외교가 사이 핑핑과 푸틴, 트럼프 등을 가질 수없는 사람들이라면 전혀 말할 필요도 없다.
그들의 직접적인 반대에있는 사람들.
일본인과 일본 시민을 위해 인간으로서의 의무를 다하고 매일 소중한 사람들에게 감동을 받았습니다.
이 신문에서 아사히 신문 등을 구독하고 TV 방송국과 NHK 만보고있는 사람들은 전혀 알려지지 않은 진실로 가득합니다.
이 신문을 읽으면 누구나 아사히 신문사의 사람들이 아니라면 오구마를 비롯한 정치적 불신을 선전하는 글을 쓰면서 생계를 꾸미는 어리 석음과 저속함을 이해할 수 있습니다.
논문은 다음 장에 게시 될 것입니다.

Я читал настоящую

2018年03月04日 10時20分49秒 | 日記

В тот момент, когда я понял, что реальный образ политика по имени Абэ Синзо заключается в том, что он ушел из администрации из-за болезней толстой кишки и ушел с работы на общественном посту.
Когда я вышел из отеля Nikko в Шинсайбаши и спустился по эскалатору, я заметил, что он идет по лестнице.
Был человек, который совершенно отличался от впечатления, которое было воспринято как лицо, подписывающееся на газету Asahi.
Обедая в ресторане, который иногда посещают,
Я читал ежемесячный журнал HANADA в этом месяце.
Я читал настоящую статью ниже, я не мог подавить слезы.
Как и Oguma Eiji в предыдущей главе,
Японцам и японским гражданам, по сути, люди, которые борются с бизнесом и т. Д., Пишут предложения во время рабочего зла, которых больше нет ...
Если политика и дипломатия - это люди, которые не могут иметь Си Цзиньпина, Путина и Трампа и т. Д. В них, а вовсе не быть, то не стоит говорить об этом.
Люди, которые находятся в прямой оппозиции.
Уничтожить их полную обязанность как человека, для японцев и японских граждан, меня тронули драгоценные люди, которые посвятили свою жизнь каждый день.
В этой статье люди, которые подписываются на Asahi Shimbun и т. Д. И смотрят только на своих телевизионных станциях и NHK и т. Д., Полны абсолютно неизвестных истин.
Если вы прочтете эту статью, любой может понять глупость и пошлость Огумы и других, которые зарабатывают на жизнь, написав тексты, в которых публикуются недоверие к политике и т. Д., Если они не являются людьми из болезни Асахи Симбун.
Статья будет опубликована в следующей главе.