文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It has a very heavy responsibility in that it hurts the honor of Japan and the Japanese citizens

2018年12月04日 17時47分30秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, Mr. Yoshida's testimony has been proved to be unfounded by the local newspaper of Jeju Island of Korea or by Hata Ikuhiko of modern historian.

Nonetheless, the Asahi newspaper connive their own error and did not correct for a long time.

It has a very heavy responsibility in that it hurts the honor of Japan and the Japanese citizens as well as what is not allowed as a speech organization.

Mr. Yoshida talks concretely about forced entrainment of fiction, to set Japanese Government and Japanese Army up as perpetrators.

And on August 11, 1991, Mr. Takashi Uemura made an article that a woman who knew the name of Ms. Kim Hak-sun at a press conference three days later was taken to the battlefield under the name of a girl’s volunteer team.

With the Yoshida fabrication campaign, the Japanese military's forced tyrant theory is reporting of Mr. Uemura existence of 'brought to the battlefield under the name of a girls volunteer party, to Japanese soldiers, Korean military comfort women forced to prostitute ', forced entrainment perpetrator / Japanese military versus victim / Korean comfort woman, Yoshida fabrication composition has become firm.

In the Asahi newspaper's comfort women's report, Mr. Uemura's role played by this signature article is great.

On 5 August 2014, the Asahi Shimbun admitted that Yoshida's testimony was false and canceled related articles.

However, it was 32 years after the Asahi newspaper published the introduction article of Mr. Yoshida on paper in the first time as a testimony of perpetrators of forced entrainment by the Japanese army.

This draft continues.

Nonetheless, the Asahi newspaper connive their own error and did not correct for a long time.

2018年12月04日 17時46分24秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, Mr. Yoshida's testimony has been proved to be unfounded by the local newspaper of Jeju Island of Korea or by Hata Ikuhiko of modern historian.

Nonetheless, the Asahi newspaper connive their own error and did not correct for a long time.

It has a very heavy responsibility in that it hurts the honor of Japan and the Japanese citizens as well as what is not allowed as a speech organization.

Mr. Yoshida talks concretely about forced entrainment of fiction, to set Japanese Government and Japanese Army up as perpetrators.

And on August 11, 1991, Mr. Takashi Uemura made an article that a woman who knew the name of Ms. Kim Hak-sun at a press conference three days later was taken to the battlefield under the name of a girl’s volunteer team.

With the Yoshida fabrication campaign, the Japanese military's forced tyrant theory is reporting of Mr. Uemura existence of 'brought to the battlefield under the name of a girls volunteer party, to Japanese soldiers, Korean military comfort women forced to prostitute ', forced entrainment perpetrator / Japanese military versus victim / Korean comfort woman, Yoshida fabrication composition has become firm.

In the Asahi newspaper's comfort women's report, Mr. Uemura's role played by this signature article is great.

On 5 August 2014, the Asahi Shimbun admitted that Yoshida's testimony was false and canceled related articles.

However, it was 32 years after the Asahi newspaper published the introduction article of Mr. Yoshida on paper in the first time as a testimony of perpetrators of forced entrainment by the Japanese army.

This draft continues.

Meanwhile, Mr. Yoshida's testimony has been proved to be unfounded by the local newspaper

2018年12月04日 17時45分14秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Meanwhile, Mr. Yoshida's testimony has been proved to be unfounded by the local newspaper of Jeju Island of Korea or by Hata Ikuhiko of modern historian.

Nonetheless, the Asahi newspaper connive their own error and did not correct for a long time.

It has a very heavy responsibility in that it hurts the honor of Japan and the Japanese citizens as well as what is not allowed as a speech organization.

Mr. Yoshida talks concretely about forced entrainment of fiction, to set Japanese Government and Japanese Army up as perpetrators.

And on August 11, 1991, Mr. Takashi Uemura made an article that a woman who knew the name of Ms. Kim Hak-sun at a press conference three days later was taken to the battlefield under the name of a girl’s volunteer team.

With the Yoshida fabrication campaign, the Japanese military's forced tyrant theory is reporting of Mr. Uemura existence of 'brought to the battlefield under the name of a girls volunteer party, to Japanese soldiers, Korean military comfort women forced to prostitute ', forced entrainment perpetrator / Japanese military versus victim / Korean comfort woman, Yoshida fabrication composition has become firm.

In the Asahi newspaper's comfort women's report, Mr. Uemura's role played by this signature article is great.

On 5 August 2014, the Asahi Shimbun admitted that Yoshida's testimony was false and canceled related articles.

However, it was 32 years after the Asahi newspaper published the introduction article of Mr. Yoshida on paper in the first time as a testimony of perpetrators of forced entrainment by the Japanese army.

This draft continues.


2018年12月04日 17時11分09秒 | 日記



















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朝鮮半島から20万人、中国から20万人、合わせて40万人もの女性を悲惨な目に遭わせたと濡れ衣を着せられ、その風説は、主にアメリカを舞台として韓国系および中国系団体によって流布されている。 元凶は、朝日新聞だ。





but the Asahi Shimbun continued to report the lie a plurality of times.

2018年12月04日 17時04分07秒 | 日記

The following is a paper published in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue, titled trial with former Asahi / Takashi Uemura, winning case report, Yoshiko Sakurai (journalist).

It is a paper that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must read.

 (From the editorial department)

Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai contributed 'WiLL' April 2014 titled 'Asahi misleads Japan's path.'

In it, it is commenting that the article about the comfort woman whom the Mr. Uemura Takashi of previous Asahi Shimbun reporter wrote is 'the fabrication article'.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Uemura said that honor was hurt by pointed out 'fabricated a comfort woman article', against Ms. Sakurai and our company, and similar articles were posted Shinchosha and Diamond Company issuing 'Weekly Shincho' 'Weekly Diamond', he filed a lawsuit seeking damages of 16.5 million yen in total and publication of an apology article.

And on 9th November, the Sapporo District Court dismissed Mr. Uemura's request as ‘Mr. Sakurai had reasonable reasons to believe that Mr. Uemura dared to write an article different from the fact’ did.

Uemura said it plans to appeal.

The following is an article by Yoshiko Sakurai.

Significant judgment

Japan is currently undergoing unjustified accusations that the former Japanese army forced women from the Korean Peninsula during the war, in the end which made a sexual slave, the comfort woman, killing about 75 ‰.

We are falsely accused of giving 200,000 people from the Korean Peninsula and 200,000 people from China, together with 400,000 women hell, whose rumors are mainly circulated in the United States by Korean and Chinese organizations.

The ringleader is the Asahi Newspaper.

Commonly saying 'military comfort women problem' and the story of inhuman compulsion enthusiasts, the Asahi Shimbun created with all the departments in their company.

An article about Yoshida Seiji posted on September 2, 1982 in the Asahi Newspaper was all the beginning.

Mr. Yoshida was a person who had an unpardonable lie saying, he went to Jeju island by military service and he took forcibly taken 200 women, but the Asahi Shimbun continued to report the lie a plurality of times.

This draft continues.

Mr. Yoshida was a person who had an unpardonable lie saying, he went to Jeju island by military

2018年12月04日 17時02分42秒 | 日記

The following is a paper published in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue, titled trial with former Asahi / Takashi Uemura, winning case report, Yoshiko Sakurai (journalist).

It is a paper that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must read.

 (From the editorial department)

Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai contributed 'WiLL' April 2014 titled 'Asahi misleads Japan's path.'

In it, it is commenting that the article about the comfort woman whom the Mr. Uemura Takashi of previous Asahi Shimbun reporter wrote is 'the fabrication article'.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Uemura said that honor was hurt by pointed out 'fabricated a comfort woman article', against Ms. Sakurai and our company, and similar articles were posted Shinchosha and Diamond Company issuing 'Weekly Shincho' 'Weekly Diamond', he filed a lawsuit seeking damages of 16.5 million yen in total and publication of an apology article.

And on 9th November, the Sapporo District Court dismissed Mr. Uemura's request as ‘Mr. Sakurai had reasonable reasons to believe that Mr. Uemura dared to write an article different from the fact’ did.

Uemura said it plans to appeal.

The following is an article by Yoshiko Sakurai.

Significant judgment

Japan is currently undergoing unjustified accusations that the former Japanese army forced women from the Korean Peninsula during the war, in the end which made a sexual slave, the comfort woman, killing about 75 ‰.

We are falsely accused of giving 200,000 people from the Korean Peninsula and 200,000 people from China, together with 400,000 women hell, whose rumors are mainly circulated in the United States by Korean and Chinese organizations.

The ringleader is the Asahi Newspaper.

Commonly saying 'military comfort women problem' and the story of inhuman compulsion enthusiasts, the Asahi Shimbun created with all the departments in their company.

An article about Yoshida Seiji posted on September 2, 1982 in the Asahi Newspaper was all the beginning.

Mr. Yoshida was a person who had an unpardonable lie saying, he went to Jeju island by military service and he took forcibly taken 200 women, but the Asahi Shimbun continued to report the lie a plurality of times.

This draft continues.

about Yoshida Seiji posted on September 2, 1982 in the Asahi Newspaper was all the beginning

2018年12月04日 17時00分55秒 | 日記

The following is a paper published in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue, titled trial with former Asahi / Takashi Uemura, winning case report, Yoshiko Sakurai (journalist).

It is a paper that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must read.

 (From the editorial department)

Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai contributed 'WiLL' April 2014 titled 'Asahi misleads Japan's path.'

In it, it is commenting that the article about the comfort woman whom the Mr. Uemura Takashi of previous Asahi Shimbun reporter wrote is 'the fabrication article'.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Uemura said that honor was hurt by pointed out 'fabricated a comfort woman article', against Ms. Sakurai and our company, and similar articles were posted Shinchosha and Diamond Company issuing 'Weekly Shincho' 'Weekly Diamond', he filed a lawsuit seeking damages of 16.5 million yen in total and publication of an apology article.

And on 9th November, the Sapporo District Court dismissed Mr. Uemura's request as ‘Mr. Sakurai had reasonable reasons to believe that Mr. Uemura dared to write an article different from the fact’ did.

Uemura said it plans to appeal.

The following is an article by Yoshiko Sakurai.

Significant judgment

Japan is currently undergoing unjustified accusations that the former Japanese army forced women from the Korean Peninsula during the war, in the end which made a sexual slave, the comfort woman, killing about 75 ‰.

We are falsely accused of giving 200,000 people from the Korean Peninsula and 200,000 people from China, together with 400,000 women hell, whose rumors are mainly circulated in the United States by Korean and Chinese organizations.

The ringleader is the Asahi Newspaper.

Commonly saying 'military comfort women problem' and the story of inhuman compulsion enthusiasts, the Asahi Shimbun created with all the departments in their company.

An article about Yoshida Seiji posted on September 2, 1982 in the Asahi Newspaper was all the beginning.

Mr. Yoshida was a person who had an unpardonable lie saying, he went to Jeju island by military service and he took forcibly taken 200 women, but the Asahi Shimbun continued to report the lie a plurality of times.

This draft continues.

the Asahi Shimbun created with all the departments in their company.

2018年12月04日 16時59分01秒 | 日記

The following is a paper published in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue, titled trial with former Asahi / Takashi Uemura, winning case report, Yoshiko Sakurai (journalist).

It is a paper that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must read.

 (From the editorial department)

Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai contributed 'WiLL' April 2014 titled 'Asahi misleads Japan's path.'

In it, it is commenting that the article about the comfort woman whom the Mr. Uemura Takashi of previous Asahi Shimbun reporter wrote is 'the fabrication article'.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Uemura said that honor was hurt by pointed out 'fabricated a comfort woman article', against Ms. Sakurai and our company, and similar articles were posted Shinchosha and Diamond Company issuing 'Weekly Shincho' 'Weekly Diamond', he filed a lawsuit seeking damages of 16.5 million yen in total and publication of an apology article.

And on 9th November, the Sapporo District Court dismissed Mr. Uemura's request as ‘Mr. Sakurai had reasonable reasons to believe that Mr. Uemura dared to write an article different from the fact’ did.

Uemura said it plans to appeal.

The following is an article by Yoshiko Sakurai.

Significant judgment

Japan is currently undergoing unjustified accusations that the former Japanese army forced women from the Korean Peninsula during the war, in the end which made a sexual slave, the comfort woman, killing about 75 ‰.

We are falsely accused of giving 200,000 people from the Korean Peninsula and 200,000 people from China, together with 400,000 women hell, whose rumors are mainly circulated in the United States by Korean and Chinese organizations.

The ringleader is the Asahi Newspaper.

Commonly saying 'military comfort women problem' and the story of inhuman compulsion enthusiasts, the Asahi Shimbun created with all the departments in their company.

An article about Yoshida Seiji posted on September 2, 1982 in the Asahi Newspaper was all the beginning.

Mr. Yoshida was a person who had an unpardonable lie saying, he went to Jeju island by military service and he took forcibly taken 200 women, but the Asahi Shimbun continued to report the lie a plurality of times.

This draft continues.

whose rumors are mainly circulated in the United States by Korean and Chinese organizations

2018年12月04日 16時57分31秒 | 日記

The following is a paper published in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue, titled trial with former Asahi / Takashi Uemura, winning case report, Yoshiko Sakurai (journalist).

It is a paper that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must read.

 (From the editorial department)

Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai contributed 'WiLL' April 2014 titled 'Asahi misleads Japan's path.'

In it, it is commenting that the article about the comfort woman whom the Mr. Uemura Takashi of previous Asahi Shimbun reporter wrote is 'the fabrication article'.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Uemura said that honor was hurt by pointed out 'fabricated a comfort woman article', against Ms. Sakurai and our company, and similar articles were posted Shinchosha and Diamond Company issuing 'Weekly Shincho' 'Weekly Diamond', he filed a lawsuit seeking damages of 16.5 million yen in total and publication of an apology article.

And on 9th November, the Sapporo District Court dismissed Mr. Uemura's request as ‘Mr. Sakurai had reasonable reasons to believe that Mr. Uemura dared to write an article different from the fact’ did.

Uemura said it plans to appeal.

The following is an article by Yoshiko Sakurai.

Significant judgment

Japan is currently undergoing unjustified accusations that the former Japanese army forced women from the Korean Peninsula during the war, in the end which made a sexual slave, the comfort woman, killing about 75 ‰.

We are falsely accused of giving 200,000 people from the Korean Peninsula and 200,000 people from China, together with 400,000 women hell, whose rumors are mainly circulated in the United States by Korean and Chinese organizations.

The ringleader is the Asahi Newspaper.

Commonly saying 'military comfort women problem' and the story of inhuman compulsion enthusiasts, the Asahi Shimbun created with all the departments in their company.

An article about Yoshida Seiji posted on September 2, 1982 in the Asahi Newspaper was all the beginning.

Mr. Yoshida was a person who had an unpardonable lie saying, he went to Jeju island by military service and he took forcibly taken 200 women, but the Asahi Shimbun continued to report the lie a plurality of times.

This draft continues.

We are falsely accused of giving 200,000 people from the Korean Peninsula and 200,000 people

2018年12月04日 16時55分57秒 | 日記

The following is a paper published in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue, titled trial with former Asahi / Takashi Uemura, winning case report, Yoshiko Sakurai (journalist).

It is a paper that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must read.

 (From the editorial department)

Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai contributed 'WiLL' April 2014 titled 'Asahi misleads Japan's path.'

In it, it is commenting that the article about the comfort woman whom the Mr. Uemura Takashi of previous Asahi Shimbun reporter wrote is 'the fabrication article'.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Uemura said that honor was hurt by pointed out 'fabricated a comfort woman article', against Ms. Sakurai and our company, and similar articles were posted Shinchosha and Diamond Company issuing 'Weekly Shincho' 'Weekly Diamond', he filed a lawsuit seeking damages of 16.5 million yen in total and publication of an apology article.

And on 9th November, the Sapporo District Court dismissed Mr. Uemura's request as ‘Mr. Sakurai had reasonable reasons to believe that Mr. Uemura dared to write an article different from the fact’ did.

Uemura said it plans to appeal.

The following is an article by Yoshiko Sakurai.

Significant judgment

Japan is currently undergoing unjustified accusations that the former Japanese army forced women from the Korean Peninsula during the war, in the end which made a sexual slave, the comfort woman, killing about 75 ‰.

We are falsely accused of giving 200,000 people from the Korean Peninsula and 200,000 people from China, together with 400,000 women hell, whose rumors are mainly circulated in the United States by Korean and Chinese organizations.

The ringleader is the Asahi Newspaper.

Commonly saying 'military comfort women problem' and the story of inhuman compulsion enthusiasts, the Asahi Shimbun created with all the departments in their company.

An article about Yoshida Seiji posted on September 2, 1982 in the Asahi Newspaper was all the beginning.

Mr. Yoshida was a person who had an unpardonable lie saying, he went to Jeju island by military service and he took forcibly taken 200 women, but the Asahi Shimbun continued to report the lie a plurality of times.

This draft continues.