文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Japan is currently undergoing unjustified accusations that the former Japanese army forced

2018年12月04日 16時52分09秒 | 日記

The following is a paper published in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue, titled trial with former Asahi / Takashi Uemura, winning case report, Yoshiko Sakurai (journalist).

It is a paper that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must read.

 (From the editorial department)

Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai contributed 'WiLL' April 2014 titled 'Asahi misleads Japan's path.'

In it, it is commenting that the article about the comfort woman whom the Mr. Uemura Takashi of previous Asahi Shimbun reporter wrote is 'the fabrication article'.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Uemura said that honor was hurt by pointed out 'fabricated a comfort woman article', against Ms. Sakurai and our company, and similar articles were posted Shinchosha and Diamond Company issuing 'Weekly Shincho' 'Weekly Diamond', he filed a lawsuit seeking damages of 16.5 million yen in total and publication of an apology article.

And on 9th November, the Sapporo District Court dismissed Mr. Uemura's request as ‘Mr. Sakurai had reasonable reasons to believe that Mr. Uemura dared to write an article different from the fact’ did.

Uemura said it plans to appeal.

The following is an article by Yoshiko Sakurai.

Significant judgment

Japan is currently undergoing unjustified accusations that the former Japanese army forced women from the Korean Peninsula during the war, in the end which made a sexual slave, the comfort woman, killing about 75 ‰.

We are falsely accused of giving 200,000 people from the Korean Peninsula and 200,000 people from China, together with 400,000 women hell, whose rumors are mainly circulated in the United States by Korean and Chinese organizations.

The ringleader is the Asahi Newspaper.

Commonly saying 'military comfort women problem' and the story of inhuman compulsion enthusiasts, the Asahi Shimbun created with all the departments in their company.

An article about Yoshida Seiji posted on September 2, 1982 in the Asahi Newspaper was all the beginning.

Mr. Yoshida was a person who had an unpardonable lie saying, he went to Jeju island by military service and he took forcibly taken 200 women, but the Asahi Shimbun continued to report the lie a plurality of times.

This draft continues.

It is a paper that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must read.

2018年12月04日 16時48分00秒 | 日記

The following is a paper published in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue, titled trial with former Asahi / Takashi Uemura, winning case report, Yoshiko Sakurai (journalist).

It is a paper that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must read.

 (From the editorial department)

Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai contributed 'WiLL' April 2014 titled 'Asahi misleads Japan's path.'

In it, it is commenting that the article about the comfort woman whom the Mr. Uemura Takashi of previous Asahi Shimbun reporter wrote is 'the fabrication article'.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Uemura said that honor was hurt by pointed out 'fabricated a comfort woman article', against Ms. Sakurai and our company, and similar articles were posted Shinchosha and Diamond Company issuing 'Weekly Shincho' 'Weekly Diamond', he filed a lawsuit seeking damages of 16.5 million yen in total and publication of an apology article.

And on 9th November, the Sapporo District Court dismissed Mr. Uemura's request as ‘Mr. Sakurai had reasonable reasons to believe that Mr. Uemura dared to write an article different from the fact’ did.

Uemura said it plans to appeal.

The following is an article by Yoshiko Sakurai.

Significant judgment

Japan is currently undergoing unjustified accusations that the former Japanese army forced women from the Korean Peninsula during the war, in the end which made a sexual slave, the comfort woman, killing about 75 ‰.

We are falsely accused of giving 200,000 people from the Korean Peninsula and 200,000 people from China, together with 400,000 women hell, whose rumors are mainly circulated in the United States by Korean and Chinese organizations.

The ringleader is the Asahi Newspaper.

Commonly saying 'military comfort women problem' and the story of inhuman compulsion enthusiasts, the Asahi Shimbun created with all the departments in their company.

An article about Yoshida Seiji posted on September 2, 1982 in the Asahi Newspaper was all the beginning.

Mr. Yoshida was a person who had an unpardonable lie saying, he went to Jeju island by military service and he took forcibly taken 200 women, but the Asahi Shimbun continued to report the lie a plurality of times.

This draft continues.

Tabuchi Hiroko, the NYT reporter, it is flagrant because it convicted Japan like fanaticism

2018年12月04日 14時18分10秒 | 日記

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

やっぱり、ジャパンタイムズの連載を切られたわけね。 一応、読んでたけど、つまらないコラムでしたな。 twitter.com/260yamaguchi/s…

 2018-11-30 12:26:38



中野晃一 Koichi Nakano@knakano1970

Japan Times sounding a lot like NHK. https://twitter.com/jt_osaki/status/1068302867948220416 …

 SNA Japan @ShingetsuNews

Wow! Even we did not expect the new owners of the Japan Times to collapse so openly and shamefully in the face of Abe government pressure. Please support the SNA if you want to see the spirit of real journalism survive in Japan's English-language news media. (MP) pic.twitter.com/gHJx5C0mUm

 2018-11-30 09:45:51


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

@7sophistication SNA(新月通信社:反日左翼活動家のマイケル・ペンが主催)が嗤えますね。『「徴用工」は「徴用工」、「性奴隷」は「性奴隷」と報じる勇気ある英語メディアが欲しいなら、SNAに寄付して下さい。援助して~』だとさ。乞食根性丸出しですね。(笑) pic.twitter.com/SJO83RYJJ7

 2018-11-30 10:53:16


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

マイケル・ペンは元からジャーナリストだったわけではなく、日本に流れてきて大学で講師などをした後、新月通信社を設立した。その後、数年で外国特派員協会の副会長に成り上がり、会長にまでなろうとしたが、記者として怪しい経歴を新潮に暴露され、立候補を断念している。 pic.twitter.com/84d8YeL0X6

 2018-04-02 16:03:21


RunBTS @RunRunRunBTS

#Shame on the new owners of the Japan Times for this right-wing, revisionist, racist, anti-Korean language. If any of you subscribe to the Japan Times, plz cancel your subscription! Instead, subscribe to @ShingetsuNews. Japan desperately needs ethical journalism like SNA's. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…

 2018-11-30 12:20:53

 ↑ BTSのファン。罵詈雑言。

Tim Shorrock @TimothyS

Wow. I've been privately warned by former reporters that this paper had made a radical lurch to the right, but this is unbelievable. It is the use of language to cover up Japan's wartime crimes. Shocking. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…

 2018-11-30 09:51:15

 ↑ 反日親韓で悪名高いジャーナリスト。牧師の息子で日本育ち。

Rei Magosaki @rm4p

Japan Times died twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

 2018-11-30 15:05:16

 ↑ 元外交官・孫崎享の娘。蛙の子は蛙。

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

This is shameful twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

 2018-11-30 13:57:06

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

@thecob82 @jakeadelstein If I’m understanding correctly, JT has now mandated, word for word, how its reporters must describe past events — using phrasing that more closely adheres to the current government’s revisionist views. That’s alarming.

 2018-11-30 23:48:00

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

NYT記者の田淵広子といえば、慰安婦問題で狂信的に日本を断罪したことで悪名高い。クリスチャンで子供の時からボランティアに参加するなど、シールズ奥田と似たような家庭環境で育ったと思われる hiro-san.seesaa.net/article/405610… pic.twitter.com/U0GHIYx0Mt


2018年12月04日 13時28分55秒 | 日記

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

やっぱり、ジャパンタイムズの連載を切られたわけね。 一応、読んでたけど、つまらないコラムでしたな。 twitter.com/260yamaguchi/s…

 2018-11-30 12:26:38



中野晃一 Koichi Nakano@knakano1970

Japan Times sounding a lot like NHK. https://twitter.com/jt_osaki/status/1068302867948220416 …

 SNA Japan @ShingetsuNews

Wow! Even we did not expect the new owners of the Japan Times to collapse so openly and shamefully in the face of Abe government pressure. Please support the SNA if you want to see the spirit of real journalism survive in Japan's English-language news media. (MP) pic.twitter.com/gHJx5C0mUm

 2018-11-30 09:45:51


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

@7sophistication SNA(新月通信社:反日左翼活動家のマイケル・ペンが主催)が嗤えますね。『「徴用工」は「徴用工」、「性奴隷」は「性奴隷」と報じる勇気ある英語メディアが欲しいなら、SNAに寄付して下さい。援助して~』だとさ。乞食根性丸出しですね。(笑) pic.twitter.com/SJO83RYJJ7

 2018-11-30 10:53:16


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

マイケル・ペンは元からジャーナリストだったわけではなく、日本に流れてきて大学で講師などをした後、新月通信社を設立した。その後、数年で外国特派員協会の副会長に成り上がり、会長にまでなろうとしたが、記者として怪しい経歴を新潮に暴露され、立候補を断念している。 pic.twitter.com/84d8YeL0X6

 2018-04-02 16:03:21


RunBTS @RunRunRunBTS

#Shame on the new owners of the Japan Times for this right-wing, revisionist, racist, anti-Korean language. If any of you subscribe to the Japan Times, plz cancel your subscription! Instead, subscribe to @ShingetsuNews. Japan desperately needs ethical journalism like SNA's. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…

 2018-11-30 12:20:53

 ↑ BTSのファン。罵詈雑言。

Tim Shorrock @TimothyS

Wow. I've been privately warned by former reporters that this paper had made a radical lurch to the right, but this is unbelievable. It is the use of language to cover up Japan's wartime crimes. Shocking. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…

 2018-11-30 09:51:15

 ↑ 反日親韓で悪名高いジャーナリスト。牧師の息子で日本育ち。

Rei Magosaki @rm4p

Japan Times died twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

 2018-11-30 15:05:16

 ↑ 元外交官・孫崎享の娘。蛙の子は蛙。

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

This is shameful twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

 2018-11-30 13:57:06

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

@thecob82 @jakeadelstein If I’m understanding correctly, JT has now mandated, word for word, how its reporters must describe past events — using phrasing that more closely adheres to the current government’s revisionist views. That’s alarming.

 2018-11-30 23:48:00

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

NYT記者の田淵広子といえば、慰安婦問題で狂信的に日本を断罪したことで悪名高い。クリスチャンで子供の時からボランティアに参加するなど、シールズ奥田と似たような家庭環境で育ったと思われる hiro-san.seesaa.net/article/405610… pic.twitter.com/U0GHIYx0Mt


2018年12月04日 13時27分27秒 | 日記

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

やっぱり、ジャパンタイムズの連載を切られたわけね。 一応、読んでたけど、つまらないコラムでしたな。 twitter.com/260yamaguchi/s…

 2018-11-30 12:26:38



中野晃一 Koichi Nakano@knakano1970

Japan Times sounding a lot like NHK. https://twitter.com/jt_osaki/status/1068302867948220416 …

 SNA Japan @ShingetsuNews

Wow! Even we did not expect the new owners of the Japan Times to collapse so openly and shamefully in the face of Abe government pressure. Please support the SNA if you want to see the spirit of real journalism survive in Japan's English-language news media. (MP) pic.twitter.com/gHJx5C0mUm

 2018-11-30 09:45:51


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

@7sophistication SNA(新月通信社:反日左翼活動家のマイケル・ペンが主催)が嗤えますね。『「徴用工」は「徴用工」、「性奴隷」は「性奴隷」と報じる勇気ある英語メディアが欲しいなら、SNAに寄付して下さい。援助して~』だとさ。乞食根性丸出しですね。(笑) pic.twitter.com/SJO83RYJJ7

 2018-11-30 10:53:16


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

マイケル・ペンは元からジャーナリストだったわけではなく、日本に流れてきて大学で講師などをした後、新月通信社を設立した。その後、数年で外国特派員協会の副会長に成り上がり、会長にまでなろうとしたが、記者として怪しい経歴を新潮に暴露され、立候補を断念している。 pic.twitter.com/84d8YeL0X6

 2018-04-02 16:03:21


RunBTS @RunRunRunBTS

#Shame on the new owners of the Japan Times for this right-wing, revisionist, racist, anti-Korean language. If any of you subscribe to the Japan Times, plz cancel your subscription! Instead, subscribe to @ShingetsuNews. Japan desperately needs ethical journalism like SNA's. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…

 2018-11-30 12:20:53

 ↑ BTSのファン。罵詈雑言。

Tim Shorrock @TimothyS

Wow. I've been privately warned by former reporters that this paper had made a radical lurch to the right, but this is unbelievable. It is the use of language to cover up Japan's wartime crimes. Shocking. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…

 2018-11-30 09:51:15

 ↑ 反日親韓で悪名高いジャーナリスト。牧師の息子で日本育ち。

Rei Magosaki @rm4p

Japan Times died twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

 2018-11-30 15:05:16

 ↑ 元外交官・孫崎享の娘。蛙の子は蛙。

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

This is shameful twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

 2018-11-30 13:57:06

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

@thecob82 @jakeadelstein If I’m understanding correctly, JT has now mandated, word for word, how its reporters must describe past events — using phrasing that more closely adheres to the current government’s revisionist views. That’s alarming.

 2018-11-30 23:48:00

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

NYT記者の田淵広子といえば、慰安婦問題で狂信的に日本を断罪したことで悪名高い。クリスチャンで子供の時からボランティアに参加するなど、シールズ奥田と似たような家庭環境で育ったと思われる hiro-san.seesaa.net/article/405610… pic.twitter.com/U0GHIYx0Mt


2018年12月04日 13時25分24秒 | 日記

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

やっぱり、ジャパンタイムズの連載を切られたわけね。 一応、読んでたけど、つまらないコラムでしたな。 twitter.com/260yamaguchi/s…

 2018-11-30 12:26:38



中野晃一 Koichi Nakano@knakano1970

Japan Times sounding a lot like NHK. https://twitter.com/jt_osaki/status/1068302867948220416 …

 SNA Japan @ShingetsuNews

Wow! Even we did not expect the new owners of the Japan Times to collapse so openly and shamefully in the face of Abe government pressure. Please support the SNA if you want to see the spirit of real journalism survive in Japan's English-language news media. (MP) pic.twitter.com/gHJx5C0mUm

 2018-11-30 09:45:51


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

@7sophistication SNA(新月通信社:反日左翼活動家のマイケル・ペンが主催)が嗤えますね。『「徴用工」は「徴用工」、「性奴隷」は「性奴隷」と報じる勇気ある英語メディアが欲しいなら、SNAに寄付して下さい。援助して~』だとさ。乞食根性丸出しですね。(笑) pic.twitter.com/SJO83RYJJ7

 2018-11-30 10:53:16


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

マイケル・ペンは元からジャーナリストだったわけではなく、日本に流れてきて大学で講師などをした後、新月通信社を設立した。その後、数年で外国特派員協会の副会長に成り上がり、会長にまでなろうとしたが、記者として怪しい経歴を新潮に暴露され、立候補を断念している。 pic.twitter.com/84d8YeL0X6


2018-04-02 16:03:21


RunBTS @RunRunRunBTS

#Shame on the new owners of the Japan Times for this right-wing, revisionist, racist, anti-Korean language. If any of you subscribe to the Japan Times, plz cancel your subscription! Instead, subscribe to @ShingetsuNews. Japan desperately needs ethical journalism like SNA's. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…


2018-11-30 12:20:53

 ↑ BTSのファン。罵詈雑言。

Tim Shorrock @TimothyS

Wow. I've been privately warned by former reporters that this paper had made a radical lurch to the right, but this is unbelievable. It is the use of language to cover up Japan's wartime crimes. Shocking. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…


2018-11-30 09:51:15

 ↑ 反日親韓で悪名高いジャーナリスト。牧師の息子で日本育ち。

Rei Magosaki @rm4p

Japan Times died twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…


2018-11-30 15:05:16

 ↑ 元外交官・孫崎享の娘。蛙の子は蛙。

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

This is shameful twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…


2018-11-30 13:57:06

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

@thecob82 @jakeadelstein If I’m understanding correctly, JT has now mandated, word for word, how its reporters must describe past events — using phrasing that more closely adheres to the current government’s revisionist views. That’s alarming.


2018-11-30 23:48:00

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

NYT記者の田淵広子といえば、慰安婦問題で狂信的に日本を断罪したことで悪名高い。クリスチャンで子供の時からボランティアに参加するなど、シールズ奥田と似たような家庭環境で育ったと思われる hiro-san.seesaa.net/article/405610… pic.twitter.com/U0GHIYx0Mt

「徴用工」という呼称が不適切との指摘を考慮してか、ジャパンタイムズが、“forced labor”を“war time laborers”に訂正すると宣言

2018年12月04日 13時21分43秒 | 日記

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

慰安婦に関するジャパンタイムズの記述の変更 “women who were forced to provide sex for Japanese troops before and during World War II” → “women who worked in war time brothels, including those who did so against their will, to provide sex to Japanese soldiers”


2018-11-30 10:23:49

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

ジャパンタイムズが、「徴用工」と「慰安婦」に関し、英語表現を修正するそうですが、JTのネット版では、まだこの通知が行われていないようです。JTの記事の多くはネットで読まれており、ネット版でもしっかり周知徹底するよう、宜しくお願い致します。 @hiromizu twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…


2018-11-30 10:34:07

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

ジャパンタイムズが、「徴用工」と「慰安婦」に関し、英語表現を訂正する旨、JTネット版の記事の末尾に明示しましたね。GJ! できれば、過去の関連記事全ての末尾にこの但し書きをつけて欲しいもの。 japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/11/2… pic.twitter.com/1JGZ2ByhSU


2018-11-30 16:20:11


山岡鉄秀 @jcn92977110

@CatNewsAgency @KentGilbert01 購入して確認しました。Web版でSex Slavesを検索キーワードとして使うのもやめてもらわなければなりませんね。


2018-11-30 13:00:58

山岡鉄秀 @jcn92977110

今、朝日新聞追求を纏めた本の最終ゲラをチェック中で、JTはオーナーチェンジしてもSex Slavesをキーワードにしていると書いたばかりなんだけど、どうしようかな。JTに電話して確認した方がいいかな。 twitter.com/catnewsagency/…


2018-11-30 12:58:17

山岡鉄秀 @jcn92977110

我々の朝日新聞との議論を読んでいたという感じですね。今度はagainst their will ですか。微妙ですね。そりゃ本心ではやりたくなかった人も多かったでしょうけど、forced という表現を使わないことがポイントです。さもないと朝日の拡大解釈による印象操作と同じになってしまいますから。 twitter.com/mystic_feline/…


2018-11-30 13:46:53


 · 2018年11月30日


【重要】「徴用工」という呼称が不適切との指摘を考慮してか、ジャパンタイムズが、“forced labor”を“war time laborers”に訂正すると宣言。同様に、慰安婦に関しても、強制連行や性奴隷を想起させる表現から修正するとのこと。@KentGilbert01@jcn92977110


angelic feline@mystic_feline



堀義人 @YoshitoHori

Japan time has changed the term “Forced Labor” to “Wartime laborers”. Brave and right step to avoid misunderstanding. I hope other newspaper will follow. twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…


2018-11-30 21:36:42

Hazama Hisatake @Hazama_Hisatake

外圧を期待して紙面を晒すのが、社に対する精一杯の抵抗か。辞表を叩きつけるという手もある。 twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…


2018-11-30 18:30:07

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

やっぱり、ジャパンタイムズの連載を切られたわけね。 一応、読んでたけど、つまらないコラムでしたな。 twitter.com/260yamaguchi/s…


2018-11-30 12:26:38



中野晃一 Koichi Nakano@knakano1970

Japan Times sounding a lot like NHK. https://twitter.com/jt_osaki/status/1068302867948220416 …

 SNA Japan @ShingetsuNews

Wow! Even we did not expect the new owners of the Japan Times to collapse so openly and shamefully in the face of Abe government pressure. Please support the SNA if you want to see the spirit of real journalism survive in Japan's English-language news media. (MP) pic.twitter.com/gHJx5C0mUm


2018-11-30 09:45:51


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

@7sophistication SNA(新月通信社:反日左翼活動家のマイケル・ペンが主催)が嗤えますね。『「徴用工」は「徴用工」、「性奴隷」は「性奴隷」と報じる勇気ある英語メディアが欲しいなら、SNAに寄付して下さい。援助して~』だとさ。乞食根性丸出しですね。(笑) pic.twitter.com/SJO83RYJJ7


2018-11-30 10:53:16


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

マイケル・ペンは元からジャーナリストだったわけではなく、日本に流れてきて大学で講師などをした後、新月通信社を設立した。その後、数年で外国特派員協会の副会長に成り上がり、会長にまでなろうとしたが、記者として怪しい経歴を新潮に暴露され、立候補を断念している。 pic.twitter.com/84d8YeL0X6


2018-04-02 16:03:21


RunBTS @RunRunRunBTS

#Shame on the new owners of the Japan Times for this right-wing, revisionist, racist, anti-Korean language. If any of you subscribe to the Japan Times, plz cancel your subscription! Instead, subscribe to @ShingetsuNews. Japan desperately needs ethical journalism like SNA's. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…


2018-11-30 12:20:53

 ↑ BTSのファン。罵詈雑言。

Tim Shorrock @TimothyS

Wow. I've been privately warned by former reporters that this paper had made a radical lurch to the right, but this is unbelievable. It is the use of language to cover up Japan's wartime crimes. Shocking. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…


2018-11-30 09:51:15

 ↑ 反日親韓で悪名高いジャーナリスト。牧師の息子で日本育ち。

Rei Magosaki @rm4p

Japan Times died twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…


2018-11-30 15:05:16

 ↑ 元外交官・孫崎享の娘。蛙の子は蛙。

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

This is shameful twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…


2018-11-30 13:57:06

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

@thecob82 @jakeadelstein If I’m understanding correctly, JT has now mandated, word for word, how its reporters must describe past events — using phrasing that more closely adheres to the current government’s revisionist views. That’s alarming.


2018-11-30 23:48:00

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

NYT記者の田淵広子といえば、慰安婦問題で狂信的に日本を断罪したことで悪名高い。クリスチャンで子供の時からボランティアに参加するなど、シールズ奥田と似たような家庭環境で育ったと思われる hiro-san.seesaa.net/article/405610… pic.twitter.com/U0GHIYx0Mt


2018年12月04日 13時19分42秒 | 日記

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

慰安婦に関するジャパンタイムズの記述の変更 “women who were forced to provide sex for Japanese troops before and during World War II” → “women who worked in war time brothels, including those who did so against their will, to provide sex to Japanese soldiers”

2018-11-30 10:23:49

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

ジャパンタイムズが、「徴用工」と「慰安婦」に関し、英語表現を修正するそうですが、JTのネット版では、まだこの通知が行われていないようです。JTの記事の多くはネットで読まれており、ネット版でもしっかり周知徹底するよう、宜しくお願い致します。 @hiromizu twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

 2018-11-30 10:34:07

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

ジャパンタイムズが、「徴用工」と「慰安婦」に関し、英語表現を訂正する旨、JTネット版の記事の末尾に明示しましたね。GJ! できれば、過去の関連記事全ての末尾にこの但し書きをつけて欲しいもの。 japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/11/2… pic.twitter.com/1JGZ2ByhSU

 2018-11-30 16:20:11


山岡鉄秀 @jcn92977110

@CatNewsAgency @KentGilbert01 購入して確認しました。Web版でSex Slavesを検索キーワードとして使うのもやめてもらわなければなりませんね。

 2018-11-30 13:00:58

山岡鉄秀 @jcn92977110

今、朝日新聞追求を纏めた本の最終ゲラをチェック中で、JTはオーナーチェンジしてもSex Slavesをキーワードにしていると書いたばかりなんだけど、どうしようかな。JTに電話して確認した方がいいかな。 twitter.com/catnewsagency/…

 2018-11-30 12:58:17

山岡鉄秀 @jcn92977110

我々の朝日新聞との議論を読んでいたという感じですね。今度はagainst their will ですか。微妙ですね。そりゃ本心ではやりたくなかった人も多かったでしょうけど、forced という表現を使わないことがポイントです。さもないと朝日の拡大解釈による印象操作と同じになってしまいますから。 twitter.com/mystic_feline/…

 2018-11-30 13:46:53


 · 2018年11月30日

【重要】「徴用工」という呼称が不適切との指摘を考慮してか、ジャパンタイムズが、“forced labor”を“war time laborers”に訂正すると宣言。同様に、慰安婦に関しても、強制連行や性奴隷を想起させる表現から修正するとのこと。@KentGilbert01@jcn92977110


angelic feline@mystic_feline


堀義人 @YoshitoHori

Japan time has changed the term “Forced Labor” to “Wartime laborers”. Brave and right step to avoid misunderstanding. I hope other newspaper will follow. twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

2018-11-30 21:36:42

Hazama Hisatake @Hazama_Hisatake

外圧を期待して紙面を晒すのが、社に対する精一杯の抵抗か。辞表を叩きつけるという手もある。 twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

2018-11-30 18:30:07

CatNA @CatNewsAgency

やっぱり、ジャパンタイムズの連載を切られたわけね。 一応、読んでたけど、つまらないコラムでしたな。 twitter.com/260yamaguchi/s…

 2018-11-30 12:26:38



中野晃一 Koichi Nakano@knakano1970

Japan Times sounding a lot like NHK. https://twitter.com/jt_osaki/status/1068302867948220416 …

 SNA Japan @ShingetsuNews

Wow! Even we did not expect the new owners of the Japan Times to collapse so openly and shamefully in the face of Abe government pressure. Please support the SNA if you want to see the spirit of real journalism survive in Japan's English-language news media. (MP) pic.twitter.com/gHJx5C0mUm

2018-11-30 09:45:51


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

@7sophistication SNA(新月通信社:反日左翼活動家のマイケル・ペンが主催)が嗤えますね。『「徴用工」は「徴用工」、「性奴隷」は「性奴隷」と報じる勇気ある英語メディアが欲しいなら、SNAに寄付して下さい。援助して~』だとさ。乞食根性丸出しですね。(笑) pic.twitter.com/SJO83RYJJ7


2018-11-30 10:53:16


CatNA @CatNewsAgency

マイケル・ペンは元からジャーナリストだったわけではなく、日本に流れてきて大学で講師などをした後、新月通信社を設立した。その後、数年で外国特派員協会の副会長に成り上がり、会長にまでなろうとしたが、記者として怪しい経歴を新潮に暴露され、立候補を断念している。 pic.twitter.com/84d8YeL0X6

 2018-04-02 16:03:21


RunBTS @RunRunRunBTS

#Shame on the new owners of the Japan Times for this right-wing, revisionist, racist, anti-Korean language. If any of you subscribe to the Japan Times, plz cancel your subscription! Instead, subscribe to @ShingetsuNews. Japan desperately needs ethical journalism like SNA's. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…

 2018-11-30 12:20:53

↑ BTSのファン。罵詈雑言。

Tim Shorrock @TimothyS

Wow. I've been privately warned by former reporters that this paper had made a radical lurch to the right, but this is unbelievable. It is the use of language to cover up Japan's wartime crimes. Shocking. twitter.com/ShingetsuNews/…

 2018-11-30 09:51:15

↑ 反日親韓で悪名高いジャーナリスト。牧師の息子で日本育ち。

Rei Magosaki @rm4p

Japan Times died twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

 2018-11-30 15:05:16

↑ 元外交官・孫崎享の娘。蛙の子は蛙。

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

This is shameful twitter.com/jt_osaki/statu…

2018-11-30 13:57:06

Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

@thecob82 @jakeadelstein If I’m understanding correctly, JT has now mandated, word for word, how its reporters must describe past events — using phrasing that more closely adheres to the current government’s revisionist views. That’s alarming.

2018-11-30 23:48:00

CatNA @CatNewsAgency



2018年12月04日 13時13分37秒 | 日記




““comfort women” — a euphemism for mostly Asian women forced to provide sex at Japanese military brothels”→朝日新聞の真似してんじゃないよ。ジャパンタイムズの尾崎智洋。この表現がどれだけ問題になっているか、分かってやってるのかね。
Tomohiro Osaki@jt_osaki
W/ a House loss, a cornered Trump may start looking for ways to fire up his political base by hardening his “America First” policies against  & taking full advantage of areas where he can look tough: trade. Our analysis
CatNA @CatNewsAgency
慰安婦財団に関する記事。ジャパンタイムズは、記事の最後尾に“KEYWORDS”を並べていて、その中に“SEX SLAVES”が入っている。これを開くと、慰安婦関連記事がゾロゾロ出てくる仕掛け。ジャパンタイムズは全く反省してませんね。 @jcn92977110 @KentGilbert01 @hiromizu japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/11/2…
CatNA @CatNewsAgency
【重要】「徴用工」という呼称が不適切との指摘を考慮してか、ジャパンタイムズが、“forced labor”を“war time laborers”に訂正すると宣言。同様に、慰安婦に関しても、強制連行や性奴隷を想起させる表現から修正するとのこと。 @KentGilbert01 @jcn92977110 pic.twitter.com/6PzrEhZOiD


2018年12月04日 13時12分09秒 | 日記




““comfort women” — a euphemism for mostly Asian women forced to provide sex at Japanese military brothels”→朝日新聞の真似してんじゃないよ。ジャパンタイムズの尾崎智洋。この表現がどれだけ問題になっているか、分かってやってるのかね。
Tomohiro Osaki@jt_osaki
W/ a House loss, a cornered Trump may start looking for ways to fire up his political base by hardening his “America First” policies against & taking full advantage of areas where he can look tough: trade. Our analysis
CatNA @CatNewsAgency
慰安婦財団に関する記事。ジャパンタイムズは、記事の最後尾に“KEYWORDS”を並べていて、その中に“SEX SLAVES”が入っている。これを開くと、慰安婦関連記事がゾロゾロ出てくる仕掛け。ジャパンタイムズは全く反省してませんね。 @jcn92977110 @KentGilbert01 @hiromizu japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/11/2…
CatNA @CatNewsAgency
【重要】「徴用工」という呼称が不適切との指摘を考慮してか、ジャパンタイムズが、“forced labor”を“war time laborers”に訂正すると宣言。同様に、慰安婦に関しても、強制連行や性奴隷を想起させる表現から修正するとのこと。 @KentGilbert01 @jcn92977110 pic.twitter.com/6PzrEhZOiD


Plaintiffs are visiting Japan not by requisition but by recruitment.

2018年12月04日 12時52分50秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

No one has come to Japan with requisition

In 2012 the Korean Supreme Court ruled an unusual remand sentence that allowed corporate liability, but at that time suddenly, Japan's governance which had never been adopted by the Korean court was illegal from the outset the bizarre idea that it appeared in the main part of the judgment.

It is followed by the final judgment of this time as it is.

In this paper, I will analyze this sentence, add a complete objection to it, and write about how Japan should deal with it.

First, write about terms.

Plaintiffs are visiting Japan not by requisition but by recruitment.

However, words contrary to the fact ‘requisition worker’ continue to be used in most of the press.

I also participate as a planning committee member / researcher On November 14, the National Institute for Basic Problems (President Yoshiko Sakurai) thought that we should stop using the term ‘requisition worker’ and the term ‘wartime Korean workers’ I proposed a proposal to use.

This article uses the term wartime worker in accordance with this recommendation.

Now let's criticize judgment.

The judgment reason part consists of ‘basic fact relation’ in the first section and examination of reasons for final appeal from the second section to the sixth section, and the seventh section ‘conclusion’.

First, it is ‘1, basic facts relation’.

This part accounts for half of the reasons for judgment.

I would like to pay attention to the description of four plaintiffs' visits to Japan, life in Japan, etc.

I gave a squirrel in translation, but 4 did not come to Japan by requisition.

Plaintiffs 1 and 2 said, ‘In September 1943, after seeing the above advertisement, I felt that I could acquire skills and get a job in Korea, after applying, applying for the former Nippon Steel Corporation recruitment staff After passing the interview and passing, I went to Osaka Works of former Nippon Steel Corporation at the leadership of the above staff and engaged in labor as a training worker.’

They got the exams themselves according to the recruitment themselves and passed the job and they got a job as a training worker.

Plaintiff 3 'In 1941, following the recommendation of mayor Ota, he was mobilized as Hokoku-tai, moved to Japan in accordance with the guidance of the recruitment officer of the former Nippon Steel Corporation and he was engaged in labor to put the coke in the blast furnace at the former Nippon Steel's Kamaishi Works, if the iron comes out from the blast furnace, put it in the kiln again.

1941 is the time of ‘recruitment’ where companies gathered workers over Korea.

In the judgment also at the historical background <1 April 1938 established and promulgated the 'National Mobilization Act', promulgated 'the Korean People's Transmigration Mediation Agenda Outline' in 1942, and implemented  in each region of the Korean Peninsula, it recruited human resources through official mediation and from around October, 1944, it made a requisition to the Korean by 'national requisition order' ></strong><strong>、</strong><strong>it wrote and do not dare to touch the 'recruitment' period, so we can read to admit that 'recruitment' did not have compulsion.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nevertheless, judgment declared plaintiff 3 who went to Japan in response to recruitment in 1941 as a forced mobilized victim.</strong></p> <p><strong>There is contradiction here.</strong></p> <p><strong>Plaintiff 4 was invited to receive instructions from Gunsan Fu (now Gunsan City) around January 1943, passed to Japan according to the leader of the former Nippon Steel Corporation, and various raw materials and products at the Yawata Works of the former Nippon Steel Corporation We were engaged in the point operation to switch the railway and the labor of removing the contaminants of the points for preventing the derailment of the train placed at the signaling place of the rail carrying the track.</strong></p> <p><strong>Although it is the time of official mediation, it is written as ‘recruitment’.</strong></p> <p><strong>As you can see, there are no one plaintiffs' four people who came to Japan with requisition.</strong>

This draft continues.

words contrary to the fact ‘requisition worker’ continue to be used in most of the press

2018年12月04日 12時50分44秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

No one has come to Japan with requisition

In 2012 the Korean Supreme Court ruled an unusual remand sentence that allowed corporate liability, but at that time suddenly, Japan's governance which had never been adopted by the Korean court was illegal from the outset the bizarre idea that it appeared in the main part of the judgment.

It is followed by the final judgment of this time as it is.

In this paper, I will analyze this sentence, add a complete objection to it, and write about how Japan should deal with it.

First, write about terms.

Plaintiffs are visiting Japan not by requisition but by recruitment.

However, words contrary to the fact ‘requisition worker’ continue to be used in most of the press.

I also participate as a planning committee member / researcher On November 14, the National Institute for Basic Problems (President Yoshiko Sakurai) thought that we should stop using the term ‘requisition worker’ and the term ‘wartime Korean workers’ I proposed a proposal to use.

This article uses the term wartime worker in accordance with this recommendation.

Now let's criticize judgment.

The judgment reason part consists of ‘basic fact relation’ in the first section and examination of reasons for final appeal from the second section to the sixth section, and the seventh section ‘conclusion’.

First, it is ‘1, basic facts relation’.

This part accounts for half of the reasons for judgment.

I would like to pay attention to the description of four plaintiffs' visits to Japan, life in Japan, etc.

I gave a squirrel in translation, but 4 did not come to Japan by requisition.

Plaintiffs 1 and 2 said, ‘In September 1943, after seeing the above advertisement, I felt that I could acquire skills and get a job in Korea, after applying, applying for the former Nippon Steel Corporation recruitment staff After passing the interview and passing, I went to Osaka Works of former Nippon Steel Corporation at the leadership of the above staff and engaged in labor as a training worker.’

They got the exams themselves according to the recruitment themselves and passed the job and they got a job as a training worker.

Plaintiff 3 'In 1941, following the recommendation of mayor Ota, he was mobilized as Hokoku-tai, moved to Japan in accordance with the guidance of the recruitment officer of the former Nippon Steel Corporation and he was engaged in labor to put the coke in the blast furnace at the former Nippon Steel's Kamaishi Works, if the iron comes out from the blast furnace, put it in the kiln again.

1941 is the time of ‘recruitment’ where companies gathered workers over Korea.

In the judgment also at the historical background <1 April 1938 established and promulgated the 'National Mobilization Act', promulgated 'the Korean People's Transmigration Mediation Agenda Outline' in 1942, and implemented  in each region of the Korean Peninsula, it recruited human resources through official mediation and from around October, 1944, it made a requisition to the Korean by 'national requisition order' ></strong><strong>、</strong><strong>it wrote and do not dare to touch the 'recruitment' period, so we can read to admit that 'recruitment' did not have compulsion.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nevertheless, judgment declared plaintiff 3 who went to Japan in response to recruitment in 1941 as a forced mobilized victim.</strong></p> <p><strong>There is contradiction here.</strong></p> <p><strong>Plaintiff 4 was invited to receive instructions from Gunsan Fu (now Gunsan City) around January 1943, passed to Japan according to the leader of the former Nippon Steel Corporation, and various raw materials and products at the Yawata Works of the former Nippon Steel Corporation We were engaged in the point operation to switch the railway and the labor of removing the contaminants of the points for preventing the derailment of the train placed at the signaling place of the rail carrying the track.</strong></p> <p><strong>Although it is the time of official mediation, it is written as ‘recruitment’.</strong></p> <p><strong>As you can see, there are no one plaintiffs' four people who came to Japan with requisition.</strong>

This draft continues.

No one has come to Japan with requisition

2018年12月04日 12時49分20秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

No one has come to Japan with requisition

In 2012 the Korean Supreme Court ruled an unusual remand sentence that allowed corporate liability, but at that time suddenly, Japan's governance which had never been adopted by the Korean court was illegal from the outset the bizarre idea that it appeared in the main part of the judgment.

It is followed by the final judgment of this time as it is.

In this paper, I will analyze this sentence, add a complete objection to it, and write about how Japan should deal with it.

First, write about terms.

Plaintiffs are visiting Japan not by requisition but by recruitment.

However, words contrary to the fact ‘requisition worker’ continue to be used in most of the press.

I also participate as a planning committee member / researcher On November 14, the National Institute for Basic Problems (President Yoshiko Sakurai) thought that we should stop using the term ‘requisition worker’ and the term ‘wartime Korean workers’ I proposed a proposal to use.

This article uses the term wartime worker in accordance with this recommendation.

Now let's criticize judgment.

The judgment reason part consists of ‘basic fact relation’ in the first section and examination of reasons for final appeal from the second section to the sixth section, and the seventh section ‘conclusion’.

First, it is ‘1, basic facts relation’.

This part accounts for half of the reasons for judgment.

I would like to pay attention to the description of four plaintiffs' visits to Japan, life in Japan, etc.

I gave a squirrel in translation, but 4 did not come to Japan by requisition.

Plaintiffs 1 and 2 said, ‘In September 1943, after seeing the above advertisement, I felt that I could acquire skills and get a job in Korea, after applying, applying for the former Nippon Steel Corporation recruitment staff After passing the interview and passing, I went to Osaka Works of former Nippon Steel Corporation at the leadership of the above staff and engaged in labor as a training worker.’

They got the exams themselves according to the recruitment themselves and passed the job and they got a job as a training worker.

Plaintiff 3 'In 1941, following the recommendation of mayor Ota, he was mobilized as Hokoku-tai, moved to Japan in accordance with the guidance of the recruitment officer of the former Nippon Steel Corporation and he was engaged in labor to put the coke in the blast furnace at the former Nippon Steel's Kamaishi Works, if the iron comes out from the blast furnace, put it in the kiln again.

1941 is the time of ‘recruitment’ where companies gathered workers over Korea.

In the judgment also at the historical background <1 April 1938 established and promulgated the 'National Mobilization Act', promulgated 'the Korean People's Transmigration Mediation Agenda Outline' in 1942, and implemented  in each region of the Korean Peninsula, it recruited human resources through official mediation and from around October, 1944, it made a requisition to the Korean by 'national requisition order' ></strong><strong>、</strong><strong>it wrote and do not dare to touch the 'recruitment' period, so we can read to admit that 'recruitment' did not have compulsion.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nevertheless, judgment declared plaintiff 3 who went to Japan in response to recruitment in 1941 as a forced mobilized victim.</strong></p> <p><strong>There is contradiction here. </strong></p> <p><strong>Plaintiff 4 was invited to receive instructions from Gunsan Fu (now Gunsan City) around January 1943, passed to Japan according to the leader of the former Nippon Steel Corporation, and various raw materials and products at the Yawata Works of the former Nippon Steel Corporation We were engaged in the point operation to switch the railway and the labor of removing the contaminants of the points for preventing the derailment of the train placed at the signaling place of the rail carrying the track.</strong></p> <p><strong>Although it is the time of official mediation, it is written as ‘recruitment’. </strong></p> <p><strong>As you can see, there are no one plaintiffs' four people who came to Japan with requisition.</strong>

This draft continues.


2018年12月04日 11時51分23秒 | 日記








私も企画委員・研究員として参加している国家基本問題研究所(楼井よしこ理事長)は11月14日に、まず、徴用工という用語を使うことを止めるべきだと考え、「朝鮮人戦時労働者(wartime Korean workers)」という用語を使うことを提唱する提言を発表した。




まず「1 基本的事実関係」だ。
















2018年12月04日 11時49分15秒 | 日記









私も企画委員・研究員として参加している国家基本問題研究所(楼井よしこ理事長)は11月14日に、まず、徴用工という用語を使うことを止めるべきだと考え、「朝鮮人戦時労働者(wartime Korean workers)」という用語を使うことを提唱する提言を発表した。




まず「I 基本的事実関係」だ。



訳文で傍線を付けたが、4人は徴用によって渡日したのではない。 原告1と2は、「1943年9月頃、上記の広告を見て、技術を習得










