
2012-12-02 11:10:11 | 読書メモ


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Special Week(11月)

2012-12-02 09:27:28 | ラジオ英語

NHKラジオ英会話 11月 
11月のSpecial Weekは盛りだくさんな内容でした。

Week 4 Special Week
11月26日 Old News Is New Again
Part 1
Pet store owners in Japan will no longer be allowed to display dogs
and cats in brightly-lit shop windows in the evening.  A revised animal
protection law that took effect today bans pet shops from displaying dogs
and cats from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.  The law is aimed at protecting the animals
from possible health hazards caused by exposure to bright lights until late
in the evening.  But the government will delay implementing the regulations
for so-called cat cafes where cat lovers play and relax with cats.  Such
places can continue to operate until 10 p.m. for two more years.  The Environ-
ment Ministry says it hopes the law will help ensure that pets are kept and
sold in a humane manner.
ban 禁止する
revised 改正された
animal protection law 動物愛護法
take effect 実施、施行される
health hazard 健康被害、健康への害
exposure to ~ ~にさらされること
implement 実施する
regulation 規制
help ensure that ~ ~できる一助となる
Part 2
An illuminating letter written by Napoleon Bonaparte in English has fetched
325,000 euros or about $405,000 at auction in Paris.  The one page note was
written in March 1816 while Napoleon was exiled to the South Atlantic Island
of St. Helena after his defeat at the Battle of the Waterloo.  It was addressed to
his English teacher.  The letter is filled with mistakes and misspellings and
some of the sentences are hard to understand, suggesting that the French
emperor was struggling with the language. He seems to have been aware of
his poor English and asked his teacher in the letter to correct his mistakes.  
In the last part, he revealed that it took him two hours to write the short note.
Napoleon famously dismissed England but the letter suggests he earnestly
tried to acquire the country's language.
fetch ~ ~という額で売れる
illuminating 啓発的な
euro ユーロ
be exiled to ~ ~へ流罪となる
defeat 敗北
reveal 明かす、隠さずに言う
famously 良く知られているように
dismiss 嫌う
11月29日 Grammar for Better Conversation
You need to be at the reception hall when it opens at 11:30.  After everyone
is seated, the MC asks the guest of honor to make a speech.  After that the
dinner begins.  During the dinner more people are asked to make a speech.  
This is where you come in, Mary.  You're No,2 on the list.  When the MC
introduces you, go up to the microphone in the front of the hall and make your
speech.  Could you give me a copy of your speech?  I'll translate it and give
it to the MC.
So every other Monday morning at 9:30, we get together at Donguri Park.  
First we work on the flower beds.  We pinch off the dead flowers, then weed
water the flower beds.  And then we rake the leaves and put them in plastic
We finish up by eleven o'clock and go home.
The award ceremony starts at 1 p.m.  First there's a speech from the principal.  
Then there's a congratulatory speech from the guest of honor.  Then at 1:30 the
awards are handed out.  This is where you come in, John.  Read out loud the
certificates of
achievement for the first place to third place awards.

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