Part 2 はやぶさが「小惑星からサンプルを持ち帰った
space probe 宇宙探査機
asteroid 小惑星
canister 円筒の容器
particle 粒子
certificate 証明書
1月24日 Good Old News DAY 2
Part 1 日本の小説を元に中国の作家が描いた漫画を
restrict 規制する
flock 群れをなして集まる
highlight 強調する
anti-piracy measure 著作権侵害行為対策
inroad 進出、入り込むこと
Part 2 隣人や友人との結びつきが希薄な日本のお年寄り
white paper 白書
account for ~ ~に相当する
project 予想する
isolation 孤立
tie つながり
1月25日 Short-short Jokes Challenge
Joke 1
How were the exam questions?
They were easy but I have trouble with the answers.
Joke 2
Did you have any difficulty with your French in Paris?
No, but the French did.
Joke 3
What is your son taking in college?
Oh, he's taking all I've got.
Joke 4
So, have you sold anything since you took up writing novels as a career?
Yes, my TV set, CD player, refrigerator.
Joke 5
What was the weather like in San Francisco?
I don't know. I couldn't tell with all that fog.
Joke 6
So, is that a popular song that he is singing?
It was, before he started.
Joke 7
Windy today, isn't it?
No, it's Thursday.
Me too, let's go have a beer!
Joke 8
I love this town. Tell me, have you lived here all your life?
Not yet.
Joke 9
Hi, I'm the piano tuner.
But we didn't send for a piano tuner.
I know. Your neighbors did.
Joke 10
You know, there are two men in this world that I really admire.
Who's the other one?
1月26日 A Song 4 U